@Dallas Mavericks

Kyrie has 36 Points, 6 Ast and 5 Rebounds including 26 points in 4th quarter in lost to Timberwolves.

Kyrie has 36 Points, 6 Ast and 5 Rebounds including 26 points in 4th quarter in lost to Timberwolves.

by wakaflockabow


  1. Gotta figure the defense out. I am still shocked we didn’t go after a big at the deadline and get rid of Powell and wood since they’re on expirings

  2. Quadriporticus

    I refuse to acknowledge everything that happened tonight was real except this one.

    Man lit up the arena.

  3. wakaflockabow

    Kyrie has also led the team in points every game in his first 4 games so far on the Mavericks.

  4. Useless_Citizen_Guy

    Can we stop playing Powell and start CWOOD now

  5. bluecrabcakes

    All his points were insane tough contested jump shots. Pretty much every point that Minnesota answered him with were easy high percentage rim finishes. Mavs should have tried harder to ship THJ and the 27 pick. Fuck Jalen McDaniels, Vanderbilt all went for way worse packages that that.

  6. canadian12371

    Luka should embrace the lebron James role and take advantage that he has a natural scorer like kyrie.

    That means getting in shape, and playing defence. Kid is insanely talented but needs to buy into a team system.

  7. scooter0523

    Pinson starting over wood the entire 4th. I mean what the fuck.

  8. 10 in the first 3 quarters is coaching problems

  9. Novel_Frosting_1977

    Couldn’t get a stop to stop the bleeding. Hate that Ky’s brilliance got wasted.

  10. CrazyPlayA1

    The last play ruined the vibe but the defense sold all game. It’s crazy it even got this close

  11. StraightShootahh

    Luka gotta stop playing so slow though, Kyrie was tryna set off-ball screens and run plays 1st 3 quarters and Luka had no idea what was happening lmao

  12. He literally almost won us a game we had absolutely no business winning. We have incredible explosiveness with 2 dynamite scorers. The issue is how do we address the serious deficiencies on the interior

  13. whitefang0824

    Dude outscored Twolves that quarter, suck that it was a wasted effort.

  14. GlueGuy00

    must be nice if coaches can draw up a good ATO play

    Quick 2 is a better option with 14 seconds left on the clock. If it’s just gonna be Luka/Kai ISO, at least find a better matchup outside of Edwards/McDaniels guarding them

  15. Hot take but luka was one of best defenders tonight and that says it all…apart from green our defense is shit

  16. AnJruniverse

    He should be our first option & Luka should focus on defense

  17. midgetporn2

    Luka needs to take over in the first half since he’s a good first half player and let Kyrie cook in the 2nd half.

  18. midgetporn2

    This is really bad man. There are less than 30 games remaining. They really need to start winning now since the west is tight as fuck.

  19. Zestyclose_Wafer_416

    Good audition for Phx, LA or someone to give him the MAX. This team is a fn disaster.

  20. epitome1986

    this actually gives me hope, Irving a luka can erase almost any lead. Now dallas needs kleber to get healthy to provide just enough defense to bring it home. also those 2 josh green free throws became even more crucial.

  21. adeadmanshand

    The only thinggs that gave me hope… At the end of the game it legit looked like Kyrie and Luka were like struggling to decide who got that final shot. We have seen both players make shots…..tough shots if they need to…. from situations exactly like this in their careers.

    I think Luka needed to concede a little more of the offense to Kyrie, and lean on riding the hot hand a LITTLE more than he did tonight in the 4th quarter.. but not TOO much, you still want Luka to be Luka.

    I think that can be worked out between them as they play. Check back with me in about 5-6 games (I’m aware that in this division 5-6 games can drop you fast).

    I still don’t get it, yes I know Christian Wood has issues defensively, but offensively.. he does give you something Powell and McGee can’t provide. And those two are not exactly lockdown defenders EITHER.

    Guy was playing well before the injury….. Now we may be looking at the corpse of Aldridge??? Is there some free agent big coming available that losing Wood’s salary gives a chance to get??? I mean we can’t even land Terrance Ross..

  22. mattsgirlca

    Omg when they start fighting it’s going to be funny. Why anyone would want the plague Kyrie on their team is beyond me. He has literally destroyed every team he’s been on. Like I said it’s going to be a soap opera.

  23. FrostbiteF

    Mavs could have landed Gobert when Utah went full sell/trade mode. He would have made last years team a championship contender. But hey…I’m not Mr. Nike

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