
I dreamt of a crazy sport-hybrid of basketball and soccer

I dreamt me and two guys were playing a sport. It’s a sport where you can bounce the ball like in Basketball yet at the same time you can dribble with your legs. Imagine the crazy combinations with someone as skilled as Kyrie Irving and Lionel Messi in both sports.

Goalpost is a modified futsal post with a 10 ft basketball rim and board. A basketball court can be used and 5 on 5 would seem optimal. You can score either futsal goalpost or through the rim. Shooting/kicking behind the 3 point line and scoring would result in 3 points while anything inside 2 points.

Edit: I did a search and there are already courts with this modification in real life. So if you live nearby one you can actually play this sport. I suggest using a volleyball as it’s easy to bounce and dribble/kick one.

by RevolutionaryPie5223


  1. IhatePizza230

    So you’re saying i could score by throwing it to the goalpost?

  2. white__cyclosa

    Steve Nash would absolutely crush it at this game

  3. mparker888

    I dreamt of a sport where you combine basketball and baseball. I call it “base-ket-ball”

  4. expensivelyexpansive

    Wouldn’t it be hard to have a ball you can kick and dribble? Basketball and futbol balls are so different, i think that would be the sticking point.

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