@Atlanta Hawks

Trae’s defensive improvement

Trae’s defensive improvement

by freshOJ


  1. ViperStrikes123

    There is WAR in basketball? Who knew

  2. Acceptable-Taste-912

    Can somebody explain the difference between WAR and TOT?

  3. hollow-ataraxia

    Trae’s 21-22 offensive season combined with 22-23 defensive season so far would have probably had us in the mix with Cleveland lol I miss the shit he was doing just a few months ago man

  4. thessalylarissa

    Woo! Not even in the bottom 50 anymore! 🎉 A far cry from ThE wOrSt dEfEnDeR iN tHe NbA. 😏

  5. azuresou1

    Trae looks infinitely better from the eye test. His effort is consistent, his positioning is better, his hands are more active.

    Now he *just* looks like a small skinny defender with bad wingspan, rather than completely non-existent as a rookie, and as a traffic cone his 2nd/3rd years. And that’s all you can really ask for.

  6. Bighead_1k

    what??? r/’nba told me trae Youngs defense is comparable to the average middle school pg 🤬🤬

  7. Chessh2036

    If you posted this on r/nba they would say it’s photoshopped and block you.

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