@National Basketball Association

Stephen Silas on Jabari Smith Jr.: “he’s not given much at all … I don’t run any plays for Jabari.”

Full quote:
> He is young and trying to find his way. Jabari has grit and toughness and tries defensively. And he’s not given much at all … I don’t run any plays for Jabari.

Wtf man, get this guy away from us lol

by Gobbledygooker316


  1. SiakamMIP

    this isn’t really helping Silas’ case for grabbing onto that coaching job for dear life

  2. REQ52767

    Christ, if the Rockets don’t fire Silas at the end of the year, they aren’t a serious franchise.

  3. You’re tanking, tank is the time to develop young talent, why is he talking like he’s Steve Kerr with the warriors roster

  4. Obvious_Parsley3238

    definitely what you want to hear from your coach about your 3rd pick rookie

  5. BBallHunter

    Seen people still defend this guy when I called him possibly the worst coach in the league. Maybe I’m still wrong, but I think they need a change.

  6. thy_armageddon

    “Fuck this guy in particular.”

  7. thepeachgod

    Silas went to the school of Doc and majored in throwing your players under the bus

  8. Gaetan123456

    get him far away from the talents in this Rockets team ASAP wtf bruh

  9. ESLsucks

    This is giving Jim Boylen telling Laurie to “concentrate on defensive reounds if he wants more touches.” Don’t think this is going to end well

  10. xpillindaass

    when the rockets are clearly tanking i see everyone complaining about it then when they aren’t giving probably one of the worst offensive creators in the league plays ran for him thats bad too. this man silas can do no right apparently

  11. 12footjumpshot

    If only Jabari was on a young rebuilding team where they could run some plays for him and get him the touches he needs to learn.

  12. HerskyB

    Blame the coach all you want but that team got problems

  13. TurbulentJudge1000

    I haven’t seen him run plays for anyone, let alone Jabari.

  14. breesyroux

    I get why everyone is annoyed and how stupid this sounds, but “you don’t have to run plays for him” was touted as a huge positive before draft. He was supposed to be the perfect #2 for that reason.

  15. 50ShadesOfKrillin

    does this dude WANT to get fired? the kid is a fucking rookie run some plays for him ffs

  16. Haunting-Amount1750

    This is a crazy quote for a coach right? What’s the point of sucking this bad without calling plays for your #3 pick.

  17. Kevin_Jim

    That’s a Silas problem. Not a Jabari problem, mate.

  18. lets_talk_basketball

    He doesn’t run plays for anyone.. all they do is play 1 on 1 over n over… only time the offense looks decent is when Sengun has it.. they’ll actually do some off ball movement..

  19. eatscheeks

    Man just willingly admits he’s not coaching 🤣

  20. AffectionateSoup24

    At what point did Silas just stop giving a fuck?

  21. redditoverder

    Stephen, you have 13 wins going into all star weekend. I don’t think Jabari is the problem

  22. thealternateopinion

    Silas has terrible body language in game. He looks really weak? Passive? Almost scared?

  23. fuckrsunsmods

    This dude is running a masterclass on how not to help young players acclimate to the NBA, don’t run plays for them play them out of position. Getting comfortable and used to the speed of the NBA? Never heard of em

  24. Smooth_P9

    one of 2 worst coaches in the league

    the other is Darvin Scam

  25. bearsquadz

    yeah this guy is gone after this season ends

  26. AutographedSnorkel

    > I don’t run any plays

    Could have just stopped right there

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