@Philadelphia 76ers

So are we ready to hVe the conversation…

So are we ready to hVe the conversation…

by trust-theprocess


  1. JoeEmbid

    Prob should have known when Tj won us that game 4 against Boston

  2. GayMarijuanaAbortion

    I mean TJ gives 100% every time he’s on the court. I feel like if he was half a foot taller his work ethic would make him an all star.

  3. foohjie

    I miss the TJ and Embiid plays off and on the court 😭😭

  4. NotSoFakeID

    I will remember the TJ vs Boston playoff game until I cease from this mortal plane

    The definition of hustle

  5. fkdkshufidsgdsk

    Tj getting more mins per game too at this point

  6. DuckMan6699

    TJ is simply put the most talented basketball player to ever play the game, he’s just limited by being a 6’2” white guy

  7. Acrobatic-Kick1280

    TJ is a baller. Obviously he doesn’t have the athletic skill to be a truly good player but he plays with 110% effort and clearly loves the game. You put him in Ben’s body and I’d guarantee Ben Simmons is an all pro.

  8. LordLucasSixers

    Imagine if TJ was 6’10 with better athleticism and handles…

  9. MaxeytoEmbiid

    I still miss T.J McConnell, especially if we put him on this roster right now. Just the perfect backup PG, defensive pest and now he’s become a good enough shooter to where he can play off ball. It sucks that we lack assets(and backup PG is a true need) because a McConnell-Maxey back court would just be fun.

  10. ItzArchy

    We knew this when both were on the roster! TJ is a god

  11. SniperShake-

    👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 always has been

  12. MoronFromSoulseek

    TJ is all heart, while no balls Ben barely has a pulse.

  13. Yes just blatantly copy my post and swap markelle for TJ 😅

  14. arross76

    The fact that TJs contract was not picked up is still inexcusable. He should be leading our 2nd unit still today.

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