@Los Angeles Clippers

Shoutout Terrance Mann

26 points , 3 Assist and 4 Rebounds . A key player for this franchise 💯

by j_theace


  1. thahovster7


  2. foxwilliam

    Front office knew to hang up the phone when Toronto asked for him.

  3. OnlyWatchdog_ManStan

    I love him.
    If I got a tatt’ it would be of him.

    Love his energy a d determination

  4. International_Fuel20

    If he plays like this come playoff time we will go far.

  5. dragoonx129

    Seems like he took it personally when they got the new players and rumored to get Westbrook. Keep going bro

  6. coldpizza87

    Mann is so much more effective when the ball is moving. He can’t have the effect he has when the ball sticks and we’re just playing iso all game.

  7. Guilty-Length2902

    I just got his city jersey in the mail today!

  8. nepats523

    Do we really want to take nearly all minutes away from this guy for a brick?

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