@Los Angeles Lakers

Shoutout to Troy his D is so good 💪🏽💪🏽

by d4ygo


  1. slicknick2k

    People clown TBJ, but he’s been everything you can ask for and more from a min player. Keep ballin

  2. The1AndOnlyJZ

    Dudes on r/nba (even here) love to shit on us for having TBJ in our rotation, but he truly is an incredible wing to have on a vet min

  3. CockroachForeign6419

    Facts! I also like his defense

  4. mordenak

    Troy’s been actually having a great season imo. He knows his role, sticks to it and doesn’t try to do too much.

  5. DZoolander_

    If you actually watch the games, you know TBJ is doing great – defense, rebounding, hustle, and the occasional 3-ball. He does more good than harm out there for us.

  6. mastahballa48

    Not only that, but he’s pretty good defensively too

  7. Ready-Explanation-89

    Would you give extend him using the TPMLE? I mean it could be a good investment, a 23 yo wing with 3&D potential could improve with time

  8. ToneDowneyAve


  9. davepoolX

    We likely pick up Beasleys option and re-sign Dlo, Rui and Reaves.

    Walker is likely gone.
    Gabriel maybe we toss him another min.

    MLE to Brown or Dennis.

    We should have the BAE too.

    And then a first rounder.

  10. Bigpoppalos

    Been saying this. Most want his pt cut. Dudes been consistently good for us

  11. Sjohnsa526


  12. xElectricW

    Troy’s been solid as a whole but this also has Bones Hyland rated pretty well, def take this with a grain of salt

  13. henryofclay

    These charts are dumb as hell. Literally not of the elite defenders are reflected at the top of these results. Stats lie.

    I say this while supporting TBJ. I like him and he’s doing well. Moreso criticizing the sheet.

  14. danyyyel

    Been saying that for months. Sometime people just don’t watch game they just like the listen to the narrative, XYZ player doesn’t do this ou r that and it is as if a player cannot get better at something. He is only 23 years old, and and I hope we keep him as he is a true 3 and D wing.

  15. Ok_Huckleberry_3833

    All the white guys are on the left side lol

  16. two4gone

    Troy has been playing great but this chart looks crazy lol

  17. Trillman04

    I hope we can keep him this offseason. Deff one of my fav players since the start of the season

  18. Danny_III

    What are the qualifiers for this? I’m skeptical about any methodology that results in Joe Harris and Bogdan as some of the top defenders

    Like where are Jrue, Smart, Mikal, etc

  19. youngboybop

    I can attest to his D, its some of the best

  20. BoysenberryJunior294

    Never understood the hate he got here. Like what more do y’all expect from him. To me he plays his role pretty damn well

  21. Proud_Definition8240

    Man y’all with the buttcheek Bron and now “his D is so good”…y’all out there

  22. His activity is solid and has good fundamentals. He struggles against bigger 3’s and should leave those to Vando.

  23. niknokseyer

    Yet some of “fans” here tagged him as a cone on defense. lol.

    He was just asked to guard taller wing players, with TBJ and Vando we can have a good wing and a good guard defender if we have too.

  24. blacPanther55

    He’s solid I don’t believe that he is elite like this chart depicts.

  25. garenoncrack

    MHMMMM, there we go. Thought it was really disingenuous to call him bad at defense when the stats say otherwise. This sub I swear.

  26. Sayomom

    He’s not a bad defender but he’s in no means a great defender. Would rather not stick him on guys like Ingram like we have in previous matchups. He’s good at rebounding but definitely can use some help shading faster guards

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