@Dallas Mavericks

I’m ready for Thursday to get here

I’m ready for Thursday to get here

by typhoonjerry


  1. nickthearchaeologist

    I miss the Mavs’ German Shepard


  2. kingjasko96

    Luka got a bit taller and stronger, hmmm

  3. DoncicsRoadTo200kg

    For the sake of our defense I hope he is healthy and hasnt fallen off that much after the injury.

  4. Even if he makes our D average, it will be very good.

  5. GMEandAMCbroughtme

    Maxi changes the whole dynamic. Dude is a stud defender

  6. warpedspoon

    He needs to be a vocal leader on the defensive side, be confident in calling people out if they are out of position, and tell guys who cover.

  7. pancakesontheweekend

    I’m ready for that first time we get:

    Luka Kyrie Green Maxi Wood

  8. dmr196one

    Hardaway back will make a difference too. Guys like Pinson, etc won’t have to be on the floor. Plus w see how our buy out guys shake out.

  9. Luka coming back from Mexico with tequila sweats while he cooks the Spurs

  10. Don’t set your expectations high.

    Historically he needs at least a month to play himself back into shape after comparatively much smaller injuries.

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