@Miami Heat

Love it

Love it

by bomac14


  1. Ozymandias12

    Is Kevin signing his contract at a Pizza Hut?

  2. GreenLantern28145

    Thank you for making a wise decision Kevin Love.

  3. jonawashere

    He’s old, prove to me that he can still do it

  4. Mipadi02

    Out of the loop with his game lately. How good is him right know?

  5. Designer-Seaweed-257

    Weve been in all those close ass games all season long. Maybe Love is all we need to consistently go beyond the clutch. 😁

  6. SirFunktastic

    If we get anything like 6MOTY candidate Kevin Love from last year it’ll be huge for us. Theoretically he’s exactly what we need right now.

  7. HeySadBoy1

    Suited up in Heat gear before he even signed?? The culture is strong

  8. insomaniac89

    Signing lease agreement to live rent free in Bill Simmons’ head

  9. when do we see him hitting the court for us? hoping we see him or zeller for the bucks or hornets games

  10. BiscayneBeast

    I just love that he’s wearing his UCLA/Fat KLove #42 number.

  11. Emergency-Top-4505

    As a Cavs fan this made me really sad, I hope he does well with y’all except when you play against us!

    Fun fact about Kevin, you can usually tell how good of a game he’s going to have based on if his first shot goes in

  12. Usually_Angry

    K love is really a muscle T guy. I feel like he’s always going for it

  13. SkyLightTenki

    Hopefully this signing can replicate the success we had with Birdman

  14. I see nothing special about him or this year………😢

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