@National Basketball Association

[Charania] The Chicago Bulls are expected to shut down guard Lonzo Ball for the remainder of the season, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Pain and discomfort have persisted in Ball’s left knee following two surgeries at the beginning and end of 2022.

[Charania] The Chicago Bulls are expected to shut down guard Lonzo Ball for the remainder of the season, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Pain and discomfort have persisted in Ball’s left knee following two surgeries at the beginning and end of 2022.

by NokCha_


  1. ThatInception


    Really a shame. Was hoping he could play in some capacity but his injuries must really be a bitch

  2. ThisAnswerIsLit

    That really sucks. Hope he’s able to get back on the court next year

  3. mastermind208

    Sucks man, at this point I just hope he plays basketball again but his injury updates are always so grim

  4. iSleepUpsideDown

    Man that 1 seeded Chicago with everyone healthy was really a lightning in a bottle

  5. BettisBus

    Really hoping this isn’t career ending. Lonzo was the glue that made this Chicago team work.

  6. tjhoush93

    Not sure how something likes this could get any better if it hasn’t already?

  7. 830res_at_dorsia

    LaVar’s biggest deficiency may have been the training method and the workload Lonzo had to endure from his youth.

  8. sirtalonAOEII

    Damn, loved Zo. Sounds like he’s done for good.

  9. c10bbersaurus

    I wonder whats going on in that knee? Did he have injuries there before, and this is just a degeneration? Is it a misdiagnosis or mistreatment by medical? Are there comps with earlier players like a Roy or Penny or Oden that would help us understand this? This seems extraordinarily rare and tragic from an outsiders POV. Hope he gets the right treatment and can return to play next season.

  10. d4videnk0

    Worrying in a quality of life level at this point. Hoping he can get those issues solved in the near future.

  11. conker1264

    25 and his knee is already gone, sad to see

  12. Lazarus704

    I think the worst part is not knowing what is wrong with his knee… after two surgeries you would think they would know what’s wrong 🙁

  13. Bulls and guards having career ending/altering leg injuries – name a better duo

  14. BrockMiddlebrook

    Bulls Announce Thing Everyone Already Knew.

  15. rebelintellectual

    Is he going to play bball again? This story has been a series of unfortunate events.

  16. goatnxtinline

    His dad really traded his first sons NBA career for a failed over priced shitty clothing brand and some clout. If he didn’t mess with Lonzo I’d imagine he wouldn’t be in this position. You didn’t see him sticking his nose in melos career, dudes living in a mansion Lonzo’s first NBA check paid for as well smh.

  17. CostOk1173

    This is just sad and bigger than basketball, constant rehab is just such a toll on the body and mind. Hope Lonzo improves and is able to do just basic shit.

  18. penis_pockets

    This is probably the end of his career. I just hope he’s relatively healthy in the long-term. There’s more to life than basketball.

  19. halfrosamurai1990

    Between his terrible workout form when he was younger, his father’s crazy workout regimen, and all of the lower body injuries he suffered when playing in those terrible BBB shoes (that he admitted weren’t ready) I can’t say I’m too surprised his body is struggling. Hopefully he can recover.

  20. myusrnameisthis

    He needs to work with the knees over toes guy and bulletproof those joints

  21. DickSadler

    They really should reach an injury settlement at this point. That cap hit is not small.

  22. Any Bulls fans know what exactly the problems with his knee? Before his injury he was becoming 2 ways guard with great 3 pts. Now we all afraid his career will be cut short.

  23. I_Hate_My_Cat_

    This is such a fuckin shame, man. I just really hope Lonzo could walk comfortably the rest of his life. I still don’t fully know what’s going on with him but knee injuries are no fucking joke from what I’ve heard.

  24. randy88moss

    Not trying to be funny here, but this is why folks were trying to warn him about wearing those damn shoes earlier in his career. Looks like shit has caught up to him.

  25. Gotta applaud Chicago for not pushing him to play, doing the right thing by shutting it down.

    I only hope for the best for Lonzo.

  26. Pels fan here…

    I was sad to see Zo leave, especially with the chemistry he seemed to have with BI and Zion. He seems like a great glue guy and solid personality in the locker room. Definitely not the guy you expect him to be when you look at his dad.

    With that said, I was excited to see him with the Bulls. The roster looked fun and even though it hasn’t been when it could have, it’s still an interesting team.

    I’m hoping all works out for Lonzo health wise. Sorry Bulls fans, we feel your pain with injuries and what could have been.

  27. xPuNjaBiBaLL3rx

    Sad, he’s going down the Brandon Roy road

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