@Chicago Bulls

[Mike McGraw] Pat Bev: “You know me, I’m going to be on Zach LaVine’s ass, I’m going to give him all the energy he needs. Destroy people. Me and DeMar DeRozan, we’re good. Vucevic, I’m excited, man, I’m really excited.”

[Mike McGraw] Pat Bev: “You know me, I’m going to be on Zach LaVine’s ass, I’m going to give him all the energy he needs. Destroy people. Me and DeMar DeRozan, we’re good. Vucevic, I’m excited, man, I’m really excited.”

by Chitowneer


  1. AlwaysaDengBang

    This season is a lost cause, but at the very least I want to watch the bulls play hard and together the rest of the way. Pat Bev might be the perfect guy to unlock a solid 48 min effort, even if it doesn’t come with a W

  2. ducksonaroof

    Love the way he talks about Zach here. Not shitty, more “go destroy people like you’re supposed to.” Zach could use a Pat Bev. We’ll see if it works out haha.

  3. trubiskywetrust

    I want him to make Zach Lavine cry

  4. ponyboy112233


  5. I-N_Clined

    This should be fun or at least more interesting than what we’ve been watching.

  6. whatisthishappiness

    I hated this motherfucker until he put his pen on the dotted line, now I’m required to like this motherfucker and I’m not sure how I feel, if he does 10% of what he says tho then fucking watch out

  7. ToeJelly420

    If Lavine can embrace someone pushing him and putting him in line then i am excited cause he needs that sometimes. But i could see this going very badly as well lol

  8. lightsvber

    Need Pat Bev to draw that dawg out of LaVine

  9. GreenAndBlueGuy

    “How do I pretend to be excited about being on this team?”
    “Idk just start naming players and act like they’re really good”

  10. Proper_Maximum5739

    This may not work out so well lol…I don’t think Zach will accept anyone laying into him…

  11. Slamfan4life

    This can either go really well or really bad

  12. Obi7kenobi

    As long as they don’t screw up the tank. Keep it close but lose!

  13. Parking-Tree9012

    We really about to be a clown show aren’t we?

  14. SwimmingLaddersWings

    No matter how much of a shitshow this team is, Beverley is absolutely a guy this team needs. Billy is an absolute garbage coach and the rest of these guys have zero passion to perform. The team needs somebody who actually cares about winning.

    Sadly, this reeks of the time when Beverley acted like he won a championship because he barely got his team into the playoffs. But fuck it, this is the best the Bulls can ever be.

  15. SecondCityMeatball

    Okay, I’m all in on Pat Bev.

  16. SmolWorldBigUniverse

    *gets waived after 2 games*

  17. andreasmiles23

    His stint in LA didn’t pan out, but I mean…I get it’s a meme now but go back and watch the play in last year with Minnesota. The dude’s energy was a big reason they made a splash there. As long as he knows his place as a 3&D guard coming off the bench, then I think he could provide that much needed spark to make the last part of the season interesting.

  18. Damn we gonna bully Zach into greatness or early retirement

  19. Clwhit12

    Feels like a last ditch effort for Donovan. Dont know if it works tho

  20. swaggyp29

    He can be good for the locker room don’t know how much he’ll play though, Dragic is probably better for our lineups due to his passing

  21. Treyred23

    He is going to suck in the D….

    Open shots for every one

  22. imnotberg

    Has Patrick Beverly ever watched Patrick Beverly play basketball?

  23. CynicScientist

    I’d like to see Pat Bev bringing up cameras to them mf refs when we get fouls during clutch time lmao

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