@Atlanta Hawks

Nah but seriously, despite the poor start this season, I thank Nate McMillan for getting the team at least a little back on track after LP. Wish nun but the best

Nah but seriously, despite the poor start this season, I thank Nate McMillan for getting the team at least a little back on track after LP. Wish nun but the best

by itsjustduck


  1. Western-Bill3619

    Seems like a good dude. Just a bad coach in todays nba. Good riddance but also good fortune to him going forward lol

  2. KellenLy12

    I so wish that we would’ve had real coaching search and got a new hug after that season. We would remember Nate so fondly if we did. He’s a great guy and doesn’t deserve the hate.

  3. Striking_Arm_69

    Bad coach, seems like a good dude. ECF run was incredible. Too bad we couldn’t carry that momentum over.

  4. Toadfinger

    The 2020-21 season kicked ass. We rode high in the playoffs. But we need a championship.

    Thank you nonetheless Coach Nate. Best wishes.

  5. VanguardHawk

    He ain’t a bad guy, he just wasn’t the right guy

  6. hollow-ataraxia

    He’s a good guy in a bad situation with outdated schemes. Nothing personal but he’s not the guy for this team.

  7. I’m really glad they went ahead and dismissed him. It was the right thing for everyone.

  8. Kindly_Effort_9891


  9. pelosismilkers

    He helped us make a conference finals run and then helped us meme him to oblivion I can’t hate the guy

  10. No_Internal404

    Good person , bad coach in 2023 . Probably done coaching but if not I wish him the best . Thanks for 2021 and being the voice we needed!

  11. BigSlimSu

    Salute he coached the most entertaining Hawks playoff run I watched

  12. Dear Nate,
    We’ll always have that ECF run. Can you imagine if that ref didn’t get under Trae’s foot? You’d almost certainly still have a job. Regardless of performance.

    Anyways, I hope you learn how to run an offense someday…not really bc you won’t be here anymore, so I guess I dont. But if you were still here I’d wish that, but you aren’t.

    Best of luck (but not really bc we need that luck. No give backs!).

    With love from memories past,

    Random Hawks Fan

  13. TheLegendHD

    Nothing against Nate at all, but we just need a modern day coach for the squad moving forward. Not mad to see him go, but I appreciate the good times. Cheers, Coach

  14. MrsGroover

    Good guy, but he neVeR eStaBLisHed tHe deFenSe 🙃

  15. Acceptable-Taste-912

    Hope he gets a HC position in a team like the Celtics or Bucks

  16. cblocktherock

    Blah blah blah good guy whatever. Nate was the worst coach in the league after Nash got canned. Thanks for the ECF but good riddance✌️

  17. Unlucky-Sir322

    Yeah, I never hated him, he’s just not what we need.

  18. ATLBandoBandit

    He can cross his arms and hold his hips at home.. the sidelines has passed him by

  19. Fragrant-Airport1309

    Nate was great with the fundamentals, but just didn’t pan out with higher level strategy as a hc. Solid dude though, and put in good faith effort into our team so I’m appreciative of what he did.

  20. PerfectCandy

    Wait wait wait does this mean his son is gone too??

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