@Houston Rockets

Elite tank commander

Elite tank commander

by Nickname-CJ


  1. It’s funny and meant to be funny but I also feel bad kicking someone while they’re down and his trajectory is looking like it will end in a short stint in the league. Hopefully in this make-or-break form, he is able to be motivated by all of this and rechannel his focus into improving his game and not into responding to fans. It’s a thick skin league and profession and hopefully he takes these jokes and turns it into something constructive or ignore it altogether and focus on his game. Sticking around the league is so difficult probabilistically so if he falls out now, here’s to the rare chance that he has another chance such as Pat Bev (after playing in Russia, Ukraine, and another country), JaeSean Tate, and PJ Tucker had after stints overseas. They’re the exception. It is more common for those to not come back or some to not even come at all voluntarily (Sergio Llull) as they’re satisfied. Sometimes it is just not meant to be. Control the controllables.

    Also me: this meme is not that serious lol

  2. plutosbigbro

    Going to need him to come in clutch, SA doing everything in their power to not win another game this season lol

  3. isomorphZeta

    Y’all gotta stop with this, man.

    Nix isn’t great, but did we expect him to be? Is he supposed to be? Is there some standard he’s not living up to? The kid’s 21 y/o and came from the G-League Ignite undrafted. It’s not his fault that Silas keeps dumping minutes on him – dude’s just going out there and trying to hoop the best he can.

    I hate this look for the Rockets’ fanbase. Absolutely hate it. You’ve got a guy that’s just going out there every night and trying his best, surround by a team that also can’t perform for shit – alongside players that we *should* have lofty expectations for that aren’t performing the way they should – but he’s one of the main focuses of *his own fans’* derision?

    What the fuck?

    And to be clear, it’s not just this meme. This is super minor. But it’s just another drop in the bucket of pretty relentless shit talk Nix has had to endure because… he and the rest of the team sucks…? It’s really all the shit on Twitter and IG. It’s him getting shit on in a simple HBD post from the team. Like, goddamn, why? What are we doing? Why are we directing all of our frustration at this guy? Fuck, I’d hate Rockets fans if I were him – we look like fucking assholes.

  4. Wait. He’s a friend of yours and you posted this? How is this different than what rockets fans ([that “suck”]( have said/posted? What am I missing?

    Look, I am all for not piling on the dude – it’s clear that on a non-tanking team, he would have gotten far fewer minutes. But losing (on purpose) is strategic for us, and he has… helped us in that respect. For many of the more vocal people here, that is a bitter pill to swallow, and they seem to be blaming him for our losses (that we want). It’s not really fair to think that Nix is the thing getting in the way of our playoff aspirations.

    The only real response from Nix that makes any sense is to get better. He’s had a shot few people probably equally talented as he has, and has gotten a disproportionate number of minutes based on where he is in his development. He shouldn’t squander that. I hope he does not get dragged down into the negativity and uses this as a starting point for improvement.

  5. htownfan12

    He’s a friend of yours yet you post memes critiquing him and say rockets fans suck. choose a side lmao

  6. Mr-Bob-Bobanomous

    He shouldn’t be the scapegoat. He’s a 10-12 minute player with the current roster. Our lot was cast when harden quit on the team. It’s cyclical, the Rockets will be good again if the front office makes good decisions.

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