@Houston Rockets

Alperen Senguns latest tweet.. after being benched with 4:01 left in the third Quarter.

Alperen Senguns latest tweet.. after being benched with 4:01 left in the third Quarter.

by LordTreat


  1. TheHoustonGhoul

    I would feel this way too if coach benched me for nix for the entire 4th quarter

  2. BusseyBuffet

    bruh he sees the bias against him and it probably hurts more after the recent earthquakes against his country still on his mind

  3. We can’t lose this man. Just fire Silas tomorrow and start the search for a new coach.

  4. TotallynotJaun

    Silas needs to be sent to the shadow realm (division 3 basketball)

  5. carpanacalan

    He held his self very well until this shit. Especially for a 20 years old player.

  6. plutosbigbro

    2-10 isn’t great but not a reason to bench him and he didn’t have foul trouble. Silas should explain this crap

  7. SirRobertFord

    sengun, dont delete this tweet please, you feel the injustice hence you gotta speak. nba is players league not the coachs.

    every other player can make 1292929 mistakes at the worst team of the league, and keep getting minutes and praise, but you can not, it seems. time to consider the options for your own sake if silas staying long term here imo. we were just fucked the day fertitta bought us.

  8. This is a new level of cooked man wtf just let this damn season be OVER

  9. suzakutrading

    Just fire silas man. This would not be an issue if he treated everyone the same and held everyone accountable for their mistakes. You can’t have one guy on a very short leash while everyone else can get away with murder.

  10. Lanky-Specialist-537

    fire Silas yesterday. he desperately needs somebody to blame to distract the attention on his tanking team and finds Sengun, oh he is a nice guy, let’s critique him, he would say no word back to me. Silas started Bruno over Sengun early in the season and it is an unpunished crime that Silas committed. Sengun, stay strong bro. He cannot do anythingto a guy who almost td’ed in 2.5 quarters. f Silas

  11. PapiGoneGamer

    Dude is gonna end up being a centerpiece for another team because Stone and Tillman don’t have the balls to fire Silas

  12. SirRobertFord

    and they made him delete the tweet. absolute mobbing. rly feeling for him.

  13. eliwood5837

    At this point it’s gotta be:

    1. FO of course wants to tank so can’t have sengun playing too much to increase chances of winning, having a tight control over minutes and who plays
    2. General incompetence from coaching
    3. Both of the above

    Wouldn’t be surprised if FO + Silas have an under the table agreement to agree to tank with shitty rotations (mainly sengun) in return Silas gets another contract once the FO decides to spend next offseason (based on stone’s recent comments). Then they will evaluate whether or not to keep him longer term.

    Or FO sees Silas is doing such a terrible job with coaching in general from seeing how the players play on the floor + rotations, they’re ok to let him just do whatever as long as we lose, then move onto another coach next season.

    Regardless astros spring training starts tomorrow so will be watching much less of the Rockets because honestly, there’s not much of a reason to at this point in the season.

  14. I was at the game, row 3. JG seemed in good spirits the whole game. Al-P in sweats since end of 3rd. Dude could barely tune into timeouts. Silas has to go. The worst part is Tate was actively looking to him for play calls on offense. Relatedly the offense was ass.

  15. diddlesmagoo

    I’ve been a pretty big defender of Silas and the FO but alienating Sengoat…might be time for Silas to go.

    Even if Sengoat didn’t match the switch scheme against the warriors…we aren’t winning any games anyway so what’s the point of him sitting. They still shot lights out from 3.

    Finish the tank and cut him loose at the end of season once the mission is complete. Locked in 3 consecutive worst records in the league. Add that to the resume. Can we trade Popovich for Silas.

  16. OctavianAugustus21

    Yeah he gone if Silas is still the head coach next season

  17. LongjumpingCup9842

    sengun in the next press conference: “We’re just not good enough.. Chemistry, talent-wise, everything. It’s clear.. I love this city.. I’ve literally done everything that I can.. It’s crazy. It’s something that I don’t think can be fixed.”

  18. I will say, it’s weird because so many of the Rocket’s players were actively looking at Silas for play calls (Sengun, Tate, TyTy, KJ). So it’s clear they haven’t _fully_ tuned him out. But it’s for sure getting close.

  19. Additional-Debate-18

    😱 Rockets managed to make Sengun unhappy 😭

  20. It was a rough game for him. Hope he bounces back stronger next one. He looked out of rhythm both offensively and defensively for most of it which maybe because he still hasn’t gotten used to how some teams use small ball defense to counteract bigs like him.

  21. One_Frosting_5507

    After the earthquake he doesn’t seem fully concentrate. But that does nothing to do with Silas’s future. He should not stay bc not only Sengun all the young talents being wasted. Look at JC and even Jabari’s defence getting worse and worse i am not even saying about his offence. In a lot of matches they seem like trying to win the game but couldn’t. That’s being covered by shadow of tanking but obv this team lost their winning mentality

  22. lum1nous013

    People that think this will be fixed if we get Wemby are in for a wild surprise. Wemby, MJ, Thanos or Jesus, it’s not gonna work if things don’t change drastically.

    We are building a culture where staff favourites are treated differently than everyone else and this will not lead to anything good. We have the perfect opportunity to build a strict and fair culture all this time we sucked and instead of that we just made a playground team where the child that owns the ball shoots as much as he likes.

    This is not a diss to Jalen, Jabari or any player. The problem is the coach and the FO, we are on a straight path to become the Kings.

  23. FranklinRichardss

    even Jim Boylen never did this to our players in the rebuild. People all talking about how Boylen broke Markkanen and Carter Jr. but atleast they were on the court. Stephen Silas is doing to Alperen what Boylen did to Markkanen.

    Get rid of him until its too late. or what happen to us will happen to you eventually. Alperen will get traded for nothing, and he will become all star elsewhere.

  24. shotty293

    Guys, spring baseball just started up 😈

  25. DurDaubs

    Dude needs to demand a trade.

    He has the highest ceiling on this team, and he’s my favorite player.

    But this franchise is a black hole. He needs to go to a real team with a real coach.

  26. suarezj9

    If Silas doesn’t leave a lot of these rooks will. They’re gonna get tired of losing and being thrown under the bus

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