@Boston Celtics

Jayson “James Harden 18/19” Tatum

Jayson “James Harden 18/19” Tatum

by speech-to-text


  1. endlesscdqotw

    I remember just a couple of years ago this sub wanted him to turn his midrange shots into threes lol

  2. omegadown3

    I hope no one is putting this loss on either of the Jays. Tatum had 40/11/6. He could have shot better but the dude wasn’t the reason we lost in any way.

  3. Wishiwasaballerbaby

    My only issue is he should have drove more he’s not a good midrange shooter people rightfully complained about it and for the most part he’s eliminated that shot from his game. I get he played a lot and driving is tiring but the threes stopped falling at a certain point tonight.

  4. friendsWthebenedicts

    Wish he would get more shots in the post. Would love to see him post up 15 feet out and get to his spots. He’s completely gone away from the mid range and it’s hurting his game imo. Doesn’t need to take a bunch like his 3rd year but a few each game would be nice

  5. Allcreatives

    That’s great shot selection. Idk what this is trying to imply… y’all want the fadeaway middys back or something?

    Shoot the 3, attack the paint.

  6. Harden at least had an elite floater game to make up for the lack of midranges, Tatum doesn’t

  7. Cool6733

    But just a few years ago y’all wanted him to shoot
    Only 3s and layups

  8. PabloShwartz

    Harden averaged 36 on elite efficiency and probably should’ve been mvp, what the fuck is your point

  9. Cool6733

    But that’s our offense tho shooting 3s and layups why y’all surprised

  10. BradyGronktd1287

    2018 Harden was putting 36 a night don’t ever disrespect him like that

  11. HS941317

    You need the midrange in the playoffs. Tatum has it but either he or most likely Joe has abandoned that and it’s becoming frustrating because it’s becoming predictable that once he puts the ball in the floor he’s gonna stop and pop and shoot a midrange he’s gonna go all the way in whether he’s successful or not.

  12. HugeMan06

    He has that incredible fadeaway that he barely uses anymore.

  13. kingcrimson6984

    You understand his coach is telling him to shoot these shots, right? This is what he tells the whole team. Shoot the open 3. 3’s and layups. Nothing else. This is the leauge now.

  14. donorak7

    Lmao. This is exactly what this entire sub wanted a few years ago even last year I got into it with someone about how his midrange shots are gold and someone came back saying he should just shoot threes and dunk.

  15. akaCampus

    3 > 2
    FG% from close > FG% from further

  16. jorland15

    need to go back to letting him take at least a few midranges, that’s normally how he catches a rhythm and how he ends up going 5-7 from 3 or something, it isn’t a coincidence that his 3p % is down when he’s almost completely stopped taking midrange shots, those r easy shots when he gets to his spots and helps his 3 point shooting

  17. Ok-Significance1653

    The end to that game was so brutal, mazzula was clearly a major reason we lost that game. Seeing tatum score those easy layups after missing that many shots is infuriating, take it to the bucket if you can do that with ease on an obvious off night of shooting. knicks have been balling but we beat ourselves tn bad loss

  18. chrisv267

    The game has changed. Mid range jumpers are the least valuable shots you can take, and Tatum should be driving the hoop and shooting 3s with his skill set.

  19. I wished he played more like prime Melo sometimes in the mid range and post

  20. luke_workin

    The best scorers in the game have a midrange game they can go to when all else fails. Tatum doesn’t have that and it puts a ceiling on how good he can be.

  21. dehydratedbagel

    So happy he finally got rid of the garbo midrange trash. And here he is as the best offensive player on the second best offense in the league.

  22. Kingofkings1959

    I like the shot profile but when it gets late and tight, fuck percentages. Get me a fucking bucket. It’s really annoying to see, I want to see a good shot get off, and he’s fucking terrible at finishing around the rim. Hit a fucking mid range

  23. kyriexoxokanye

    I am gonna be amazed if Tatum wins MVP

  24. Zookeepergame-Warm

    I’m a tatum fan & have been since he yammed on Lebrons ugly mug but why tf does he go for that step back 3 when he could just drive & get the free throws??

    He’s been showing a lot of inconsistency in the paint since mid January. Not sure if he’s banged up or his body isn’t strong enough to drive through this late in the season or what??
    He had the game winner today and missed right at the rim. Then in the 2nd OT he passed out to AL for a 3 instead of just driving the layup & maybe getting the and 1

  25. In that pregame interview tonight, JT said he likes to receive a dime on the elbow, where he can go to work. We should maybe try that in game scenarios.

  26. This is what I can’t stand about Tatum. He had such a good midrange game coming into the league and he’s completely abandoned it. I just don’t see these Celtics getting out of the 2nd round if all we’re gonna do is shoot the 3. and we deserve to lose if we can’t adjust.

  27. dynamicflashy

    I am not a big fan of this. Even Steph Curry takes more midrange shots.

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