@Denver Nuggets



by griffskry


  1. wellp, embiid is gonna lose to giannis if not jokic

  2. jaguar_loco

    I don’t think he’s very wrong even if it is a cringey post. The tide could very well turn if Embiid continues overpreforming while the Nuggets continue to coast. Those late season games against Giannis and Jokic will be very important for his narrative.

  3. if they dont give it to Jokic they will give it to giannis thats deserved imo

  4. 3sc0barKeeper

    The nba sub turned into a strawman-argument clusterfuck. Jokic said a lot of times he doesnt care and now everybody has the need to argue against the apparent „meatriding“ agenda. It is so stupid. Cant wait for the decision to be made. I would really like a middle finger performance in the play offs if he doesnt get the mvp.

  5. Johnykbr

    A Sixers fan touting “love” is just something. Everyone knows to be a Philadelphia sports fan you have to be fueled by hate.

  6. UnderratedNightmare

    you all so worried about what the Sixer fans are saying and doing. They have no narrative. What narrative? The one on r/nba? The voters aren’t looking there for opinions. Maybe hot takes but not opinions. All Embiid has to do to win the MVP is be better than Jokic & Giannis. He has a good chance. Him and Giannis both playing well. It could go to any of the 3. But everyone worried about narratives but the players themselves have chose Jokic as the MVP. The media has chose him. People actually connected to the game. So who cares about all these lowlight/highlight, crossposts, fan beef and basis subs. Let them shit talk the same way be been shit talking. Who cares what some random user has to say.

  7. GoBraves

    Our boy getting Final’s MVP, that’s all we need. This shit is tired.

  8. freshposthistory

    You realize us posting this silliness here is just one tier down on the pathetic scale.

    There’s a team here that has a legit shot at the finals, and we are more concerned about what some rando on Reddit thinks about the mvp race.

  9. aspiring_bureaucrat

    Wow, I feel sorry for them.. it’s just sad

  10. emailaddress456

    As a fan of basketball first and a sixers fan second I am personally rooting for Embiid to get the MVP, but it really doesn’t matter that much. Everyone in the MVP race is an elite player and would deserve it. Everyone is biased for their favorite player from their home team. idk MVP isn’t a death match like someone can win it and we don’t have to kill off the other players it’ll all be chillin I wish we could just let the mfs play basketball and get their accolades if they get em shit really don’t go that deep

  11. Greg_Pim

    They’re getting desperate. It’s so glaring and cringe.

  12. fonger81

    The 76ers kids would honestly rather their dude win MVP than a playoff series, let alone a championship.

  13. chasingit1

    Of course we all agree that Jokic likely deserves a 3rd MVP. But at the end of the day, MVP trophy’s be damned. Nuggs want a championship over everything

  14. LACIRCA2044

    Do people think whoever wins the MVP becomes immortal and carries their fans into Valhalla?

  15. trotsky41

    I mean if Jokic doesn’t win, then Giannis is the clear next best option.

  16. number15ismyfather

    I mean yea this is obv pathetic but some of y’all rly be weird asl in that you’ll complain all the time about r/nba and the sixers sub and how toxic and hateful both subs are, but then will be the same ppl who will still go to those subs regardless and read all the comments and posts, then cry about the anti-Jokic posts or comments on this sub (which is esp dumb if you’re lurking in the sixers sub, bc no shit), and I guess now go back to this sub with separate posts about what someone in r/nba or the sixers sub said about joker and/or MVP

    Not only do I not have that kind of free time, but news flash literally nobody is forcing you to go to those subs esp the sixers sub – idk if someone has to tell you directly, but going to the sixers sub and then coming back crying about how much that sub hates on joker is dumbass behavior to me what did you possibly expect

  17. Commercial-Stuff402

    “Keep changing the narrative.”

  18. Huskercornstang

    Cool, I’d like to not make to one of the worse teams in the nba 🤷‍♂️

  19. RatLord445

    who cares lol fuck the mvp trophy i wanna see jokic not fucking coast through defense like yesterday, if the nuggets lose its on them

    Also, this year is giannis’s year, not embiid’s or jokic’s

  20. ephen_stephens

    You mfers are worse than Sixers fans honestly.

    Jokic already has 2 and you’re acting as desperate for a third as they are for Embiid’s first.

    Keep gaming the flames and complaining about the heat tho I guess. 🙄

  21. mamasaidflows

    I hope Jokic loses bc he doesn’t want to win. Embiid and Giannis both deserve it, along with Jok, but an award isn’t worth his mental health.

    It sucks bc this is literally his best year ever, and Giannis/Joel probably should have won the last 2.

    Now we are in this shitty reality where he deserves it but is being penalized bc his prior MVP seasons weren’t as good?

    Fuck it.

  22. WinonasChainsaw

    Why do Sixers fans sound like Qanon-ers during the JFK resurrection thing

  23. Scared-Zebra9419

    How quickly the narrative changes when we lose to the Bulls and Spurs lol. Not even mad

  24. qawsedrftg-

    It’s actually crazy how hard sixers fans swarm every thread with Jokic hate all while maintaining a massive victim complex lol

  25. I could honestly care less , care more about a chip

  26. who_likes_chicken

    If Embiid gets a “makeup MVP”, it’ll look far worse on his record than joker’s two “undeserved” MVP’s.

  27. dblmntgum

    It seems that Jokic’s play has dropped off since the MVP debate got especially toxic.

    We’ve all but sewed up the No. 1 seed. I wonder if he’s trying to tank his MVP chances so he can focus on the playoffs without all the three time MVP nonsense in the background.

  28. pohovanatikvica

    So many spices and he chose to be salty.

  29. TankOk3666

    Yawn. If Denver wins the chip who cares lol! Sixers fans crazy

  30. Bossgarlic

    Can’t get past the second round but sure, give him an. MVP because it’s “his turn”. Enjoy your participation trophy at home Philly while we playing in June

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