@Milwaukee Bucks

If you put Giannis on a 16 seed are they winning the NCAA tournament?

If you put Giannis on a 16 seed are they winning the NCAA tournament?

by swaggydagoat


  1. swaggydagoat

    I think the officials would have trouble reffing Giannis’ games but yes they demolish everyone if he isn’t in foul trouble.

  2. Argenfarce

    The best chance any college team would have is maaaaaybe Houston. If you put Jarace Walker on Giannis and do a wall-like defense around the basket and just pray the 16 seed doesn’t have great shooters, then maybe. Giannis and his 16 seed vs. the best team in college basketball wins 4/5 games.

  3. hgxarcher

    Yes. By double digits every game. He’d average 50&20 in 30 minutes

  4. thegodfaubel

    If you put a top 5 NBA player on most college teams, they still can lose with a bad game. Giannis is one of those players that might actually be too aggressive for college because of how small the defense would be and he’d probably get called for more offensive fouls than he already does

  5. RKKP2015

    I heard this on the radio, too. Chewie is an idiot sometimes. Of course they’d win!

  6. CakeIsLegit2

    He puts up 50 against playoff nba team, some of these NCAA teams only put up 60 or so points in a win.

  7. Mcswigginsbar

    It would be over by half each game and yes they go all the way to the title. He’d drop 60-70 points per game by himself with relative ease.

  8. Optimal_Conclusion_1

    Yes, look at how he dominated the euro league, and that would be a step up from the NCAA

  9. Dotts2761

    I think he gets 25 boards and 10 blocks a game. They’d probably win even if he didn’t score a point.

  10. Ok-Cauliflower2802

    You could put Brook Lopez on the 16th seed and they would win the tournament

  11. Financial_Fee_2064

    Have you seen the scalabrine challenge? Yes absolutely. The gap in skill is ridiculous

  12. Timely_Airline_7168

    Unless the ref calls a foul every drive what’s stopping him from scoring 55 points per game?

  13. SnooPies3316

    lol his team could name the score every game

  14. WeefBellington24

    College refs would foul him out. There has been no one this year that compares to him physically

  15. AguacateVeracruz

    Depends on if they have nba refs that let him get away with everything

  16. AbbreviationsHot4482

    No shit lol he’s best player in the NBA LMFAOOO

  17. anonymous_teve

    YES if he doesn’t foul out. PROBABLY NOT if the refs don’t permit his physicality. It would literally be in the ref’s hands.

  18. BanjoStory

    I think people dramatically overestimate the skill gap between the NCAA and NBA. The skill set it rewards is different (particularly for guards), but you see players all the time wash out of the NCAA tournament early and then have great rookie seasons in the NBA.

    Trae Young jumps out as a recent example. Dude lost in the first round of the tournament as a 10 seed and then was putting up 20 ppg in the NBA like 6 months later.

    Tim Duncan is the other obvious example of this. Made first team all NBA as a rookie. Was a 3 seed his last year in the NCAA tournament and lost in the 2nd round.

    Like, obviously young players are going to improve over an off-season, but people saying that like any NBA player could come onto any NCAA team and walk through the tournament are delusional.

  19. Reddittube69

    Not if corny ass Tony Brothers is reffing the game

  20. FormerShitPoster

    Is he still a devoted father and partner in this scenario? Because if you dropped Giannis into the college experience, he’d be too busy banging coeds to show up for the game. Dude is perpetually horny on social media.

  21. 9YearOldDuck

    Surely if you add any star level player to a 16 seed they win

  22. Let’s be real, putting any all-star on any college team plausibly makes them the favorite.

  23. etherealcaitiff

    The skill gap between NBA and NCAA is huge. If you put Jordan Nwora on a 16 seed team it would probably win.

  24. JohnJayMaxwell

    Does a bad-ass bull dismantle a china shop? Same here

  25. GillbergsAdvocate

    Not only are they winning, they’re blowing out every team

  26. No_Wrap9954

    Hell yes. Hell put any nba player in there and they have a good shot at winning it

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