@Dallas Mavericks

[Charania] The NBA has fined Dallas Mavericks star Luka Doncic $35,000 for making a money gesture toward referees on Wednesday night.

[Charania] The NBA has fined Dallas Mavericks star Luka Doncic $35,000 for making a money gesture toward referees on Wednesday night.

by Phenomenon98


  1. DoncicsRoadTo200kg

    Luka is becoming the superstar version of Draymond Green when it comes to the refs, he needs to chill.

  2. KD2Smoove

    I agree Luka needs to chill out on the refs – and he was more restrained against GS even if still complaining nearly non-stop – but this shit is just silly. The officiating was miserable, they refused to give Draymond a 6th foul, missed obvious calls down the stretch in a close and meaningful game, and botched the inbounds play at the end of the third so badly that everyone is talking about it.

    Luka should stfu and stop drawing attention to what a complainer he is and the league should stfu and stop drawing attention to how horrible this game was officiated.

  3. AtreusIsBack

    The gesture is correct, the refs this season have been shamelessly effecting the outcomes of games to either help Vegas or to keep the popular teams in the Playoffs race.

  4. Subtuppel


    I misread it as “monkey” gesture und wondered how I could have missed that (and it’s aftermath).

  5. saltysupp

    Refs have been caught before rigging games. They are doing it this season too just look at Lakers FT numbers. Its fair enough really even if Lakers fans are offended by this in /r/nba

  6. handsomepj

    They need to put a referee jersey on a mannequin and just have Luka yell at that.

  7. HookemsHomeboy

    When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.
    — Fat dude from GOT

  8. Messiah_Knight

    They fine $25K for flipping someone off on live tv and $35k for telling the reffs the truth? Horse shit.

  9. AltruisticLog4920

    Was he even fouled on that play?? I thought it was clean. Why do the money sign if you’re not fouled??

  10. Percy_Bysshe

    These fines and techs are getting out of hand. Refs getting their feelings hurt left and right. Super soft.

  11. Zestyclose_Wafer_416

    Luka should just pay them like 5 million dollars at the beginning of the seaosn so he can berate and money sign to them for the entirety of the season

  12. kdeweb24

    Luka gets beat the hell up on the court. He absolutely has a gripe most of the time when he complains. This game in particular is a prime example.

    With that being said…shut the hell up, Luka. Complaining, yelling, showing up the officials is doing nothing more than leaving your team playing four on five defense on the other end, and making the officials that much more likely to fuck you over. Grow up. Shut up. Get down the court. Save the complaining for opportune times. You shouldn’t be making a show of a missed call three minutes into the first quarter.

  13. nickbahhh

    Really wish Kidd would back him up on occasion. Luka is lucky they haven’t called him on the gesture before.

  14. shelle399

    Did yall even watch the game?? He was absolutely right – the refs were def not unbiased

  15. Abbzstar123

    Lol, I hope he comes out with a duffle bag filled with cash and drops it by the refs feet. Villain arc begins 😈🤣

  16. Justsomerand

    I get the fine on this one, but the nba let’s these refs have TOO MUCH deniability & NOT ENOUGH accountability

  17. I guess it’s true… the truth hurts. If the refs don’t like getting called out, maybe they could try calling a game like they are trying to manipulate the line to win a bet.

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