@Los Angeles Lakers

Lonnie Walker IV Stays Ready

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  1. Lonnie is better than Beasley in every aspect of the game other than 3 pt shooting, and this season he's equal to Beasley when it comes to that. Ham needs to give him at least 15 to 20 mpg every game – no more DNP's!

  2. Work on weaknesses to impact the game , become multi dimensional to become impactful in this beautiful TEAM sport we love called BASKETBALL 💜💛❤

  3. Idk why people is praising lonnie for 1 good game. lonnie might go 3-10 in the next game. Just like when malik drop 24 against the pelicans and went back to a shooting slump in the next few games. Don't be excited for 1 good game yall

  4. im not sure why he's not playing. the other bench guys aren't always playing well so he should playing more.

  5. Darvin ham don't use only ur mouth to praise lonnie walker instead give him more minutes on the court. Tbj and beasley sometimes are inconsistent

  6. I know TBJ will get the starting, but LW4 and DSJ should be our main scoring off the bench. Props to LW4! was waiting for his moment!

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