@Los Angeles Lakers

Malik Beasley responds to the criticism

Malik Beasley responds to the criticism

by Clean-Philosophy-142


  1. Vexationss

    Spreading hate on a birthday post is crazy.

  2. ALovelyAnxiety

    The fans are going to turn him into the next Danny Green come on fam >.>

  3. winter-r0se

    stop trolling on players posts. it’s weird & counterproductive

  4. SolarBeam12

    I think he will turn it around but Ham needs to control his minutes until he does. Fans tripping posting negativity on that post tho.

  5. KeepingitHonest24

    Yall weird asf!!! This is a fucking game. Y’all don’t get nothing from the Lakers losing or winning. Why are we spreading negativity on a post about his kid!?!?! Weirdos!

  6. Nicoreyn

    Why do we have so many awful fans that do this. Criticize the play on the court they are humans not animals bro

  7. Brilliant_Ebb_1787

    It would be interesting to see players go completely ghost on all social media platforms and see how much it improves their play.

  8. LordBri14

    This is why everyone hates on laker nation… its shit like that sheesh!

  9. rybeegood

    Sucks that since the fanbase is so big that there will inevitably be weirdos among them…some people take it too far

  10. Dangerous_Owl_9717

    This is exactly why people call us the most toxic fan base people need to stop

  11. davensdad

    Fuck you guys who harass him. It’s one thing to spew toxic rubbish on Reddit (which I do alot), but you should never be harassing our players.

  12. People seriously need to fucking chill.. it’s embarrassing at times to be a lakers fan. Like do we think harassing our players is gonna make them want to play better for us?

  13. BatmanHive

    There are grown ups that think this type of shit is acceptable. I feel bad for him and his fam.

  14. Plane_Yak_447

    People need to cut this shit out. Being frustrated by player’s performances is justified but how is commenting on their posts or family members posts going to make the situation any better. Be better. This is toxic behavior that only places extra pressure on the players. This type of behavior goves Laker nation a bad rep because of some fans who act like children.

  15. Ill_Celery_7654

    This man is making millions of dollars to play ball and live his dream and some of y’all are just arm chair quarterbacking everything in life and have the nerve to criticize him for missing shots. You think he wants to miss shots? Just enjoy the game and shut the hell up.

  16. Sharp-Brush6122

    At the end of the day it’s basketball man these lame ass “fans” take it too far

  17. _Red_Mist_

    Yikes . What losers are sending him hate on a birthday post? Embarrassed for our fanbase sometimes

  18. yungzoowap

    This fan base needs help. Treating all our current players like shit isn’t it

  19. Laughoutloud49

    Lakers are 12-7 with him on the roster and 6 games below .500 before. I’m not saying he’s shooting lights out or we’re winning because of him. But we certainly are much better as a whole with him on the team. idk why so many lakers fan are toxic to the role players instead of supporting them when they have a bad game.

    WE ARE NOT IN THIS SITUATION BECAUSE OF BEASLEY. Had we started the year with this team, we’re on pace to be a top 4 seed easily. Stop taking out your frustration with the situation with a role player who had nothing to do with Lakers being 6 games below .500 before the trade deadline.

  20. BigBossVince

    I mean… he had one good game and is inconsistent…. and I’ve had my complaints…. but I’m not going on the guys fucking socials on some bullshit.

    I swear porn should be the only thing anonymous on the interne, see how people act when you’re not a blank face on the internet.

  21. KamikazeMack

    Some of y’all niggas too deep in and fuckin weird. It’s not even kids, it’s grown ass men doing this.

  22. Foodstamps4life

    I hate that I’m a life long fan of a team that you fucks “root for”. Pathetic bandwagon base that the majority of don’t even live in Los Angeles. Fuck off with your bullshit posts on here calling our players trash after a single loss, while your diabetes Ass sits on the couch drinking a fucking Miller high life and telling your friends that you used to ball out at the 24 hour fitness on Crenshaw. Sincerely, eat a fucking dick.

  23. roccosmoderrnlife

    Lol and yall wonder why the big name FAs don’t wanna come here.

  24. Rentfreelakerfan

    It’s just crazy that fans think y’all care more than the actual players on the court. Weirdos

  25. ActuaryExtension9867

    “Social media made y’all way to comfortable. Some people need to get punched in the face” – Mike Tyson

  26. AmbitiousNaija7

    I cannot stand this new generation of fans …..thinking this type of behavior is acceptable. Cmon it is a game. better luck next time.

  27. BearShark8

    He could miss the game winning shot in game 7 of the finals and people still shouldn’t be saying shit to him or his family. It’s a fucking game.

  28. velphegor666

    Cant wait for the day when noone wants to sign with the lakers due to this shit

  29. CabbageStockExchange

    Some people got way too much time on their hands

  30. corybekem

    Shit fucked up man. Saying shit to a man you wouldn’t say to his face is crazy. And are these adults doing this?

  31. Why are some laker fans like this?? Some of y’all did the same to Danny green in the bubble. Bunch of fuckjng weirdos man

  32. ballofwibblywobbly

    Who the fuck has time to do that, fucking losers.

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