@Los Angeles Lakers

[Robert Horry] It’s on Darvin Ham, AD and his teammates for not getting him the ball. 8 shots is inexcusable. With 7 games left on the season, this needs to be address. It’s too late to say it’s on me for not calling enough plays.

[Here’s the clip (“Robert Horry clearly knows ball unlike Darvin Ham”)](

*not from me, but I apologize in advance for the wind chimes*


[Robert Horry: it’s on Darvin Ham, AD and his teammates for not getting him the ball. 8 shots is unexcusable. With 7 games left on the season, this needs to be address. It’s too late to say it’s on me for not calling enough plays.”](

by niknokseyer


  1. BBaron08

    He’s spot on…. You can make every excuse for Ham you want, not calling plays for AD isn’t one of them. AD and Bron and Dlo need to be our highest volume shooters.

    Plenty of times in the last 6 games AD has looked like a glorified screen setter at the 3 point line and doesn’t fucking see the ball for multiple possessions in a row

  2. BBaron08

    There is no way in hell Beasley and Troy Brown should have the most shots in a game which happened against Chicago

    AR, Dennis, brown, Beasley should NEVER have more shots than AD.

    The only players who can have more shots than AD that I can live with are Bron and D-Lo if he’s hot

  3. blur-02

    It’s fuckin ridiculous we Bron n AD on the court n soon to be DLO n fuckin Schroeder n TBJ n Beasley take the most shots n Rui doesn’t play

  4. According_ToRC72387

    Yeah it’s so true.. I will say AD and LeBron should play big .. pound the fucking inside!! Stop playing the three game. I wish LeBron was a good free throw shooter .. he should be driving to the bucket every time he can’t be stopped it’s fucking frustrating

  5. Significant_Night_65

    “Coach not calling plays” is one of the lamest excuses. That’s AD, a 30 year old championship MVP calibre player. That’s an excuse you use for a young developing player. People need to stop babying AD and admit that at times he’s content with doing nothing on the offensive end and coasting.

  6. adocileengineer

    He needs a mid-post touch every possession when LeBron isn’t on the floor, and basically every 2-3 possessions when LeBron is on the floor. He has the best face-up game in the league, can blow by basically anyone who’s guarding him, and can hit 15-foot jumpers with a hand in his face. There’s no excuse to not feed him the ball and run off-ball action off of that.

  7. mordenak

    Ham said it himself a few days ago… “His dumbass coach started calling more plays for him”. Players can affect individual plays, and sometimes call their own number, but ultimately the overall direction of the offense is on the coach. Ham has been getting out-coached on keeping AD involved in games.

  8. Prolapse_leakage

    Thank you. Now all the idiots saying it’s only on AD and not Ham can shut up. Does Horry not know basketball either? He only had 4 shots at half time, how do you not address that?

  9. theseustheminotaur

    This game really seems like it got away from Ham. Like he didn’t know what was going on out there and probably was surprised when he read the box scores. He really seems like he needs to be an assistant coach or coach a totally different roster or in a different league. We didn’t see pindown screens to free up AD all season until like two games ago, and then we haven’t seen it since. WTF is he doing?

  10. Tantle18

    He needs to touch the ball on every single possession just like Jokic does. It opens the floor entirely. Every. Single. Possession.

  11. jjjjjjoun

    Y’all are exposing yourself and this is case in point. AD isn’t getting touches because teams aren’t as simple as you guys think they are : HE IS DOUBLED ALMOST EVERY TIME HE TOUCHES. VERY RARELY is there not a help defender close by to come help to double. AD has combatted that by moving quick after getting the ball in the mid post. But sometimes there’s help and he could be called for a charge when that help swings. Our guards are effective on feeding him when the defenders are a bit sagged off.

    AD is also injury prone and if you want to see him “dominate” and be a force, he’s shown us time and time again that he simply is not that sort of player who will just push you underneath the basket like a Shaq/Giannis. I doubt that his body could stand the beating it takes to be that sort of force.

    What Rob is saying is not wrong but this idea that he’s that stereotypical big is wrong.

    TLDR: AD is more of a Gasol than Shaq.

  12. LebronsPinkyToe

    I wish AD would blow up those dogshit guard plays more often, if he isn’t touching the ball every time down the court he should be screaming at his teammates like Bynum

    Unfortunately i think he tries plays the game the right way to a fault

  13. mapletree23

    AD has a lot of blame in this

    When he’s disengaged, he gets pushed out of the post all the way to the 3 point line and most of the time he offers no resistance to it, it is incredibly frustrating especially when his shot isn’t falling

    it’s true without lebron and D-lo we kind of are pretty flimsy on playmaking, but it shouldn’t be hard to get a ball to a posted up center in the paint – the issue is AD always gets pushed all the way out of the paint when he plays passive

  14. I personally gave the guy a long leash this season because I thought the roster fucking sucked before the deadline and he had to deal with injuries, but he has consistently shown an inability to manage in-game. From not calling crucial timeouts to calling dumb timeouts, to a seemingly non-existent game plan to the three guard nonsense, to stuff like this most recent lack of AD usage…. WTF?

    I really, really, really wonder what the front office thinks about things now that he has a deep roster and he is making decisions like this.

  15. StoneColdAM

    Ham isn’t good enough of a coach for this team. He’s learning on the job. Feel like the Lakers are going to have to fire him this summer.

  16. intellectslang

    Hear me out, we’re better off now but when Russ was here he fed AD /opened up AD for putbacks with his dumb shots and drives lol

  17. Good_Illustrator_433

    Didn’t darvin ham say in preseason the offense would be run through AD this season? That seemed to be the case before AD got hurt. What’s happening now? Is it because we have a whole new team? Are teams now targeting AD on defense more heavily?

  18. bornlasttuesday

    The teams are swarming AD and they have been all year. As soon as he touches the ball they double-team him. Not figuring out a way for him to pass out of it or run a play using it is bad.

  19. Ill_Celery_7654

    AD averages like 68.3 touches per game this season. For him to not be shooting the ball more than 8 times in a game is ridiculous.

  20. elxhapo

    I don’t understand his rotations either we have lost at least 10 games strictly off hams bad line ups.

  21. Mtthom06

    This happens far too often. AD should have the most shots taken at the end of every game. That includes LeBron.

  22. He doesn’t try hard to get the ball he does weak posts up. Lebron in the post demands the ball. Derrick jones jr should not be able to guard AD at all!!

  23. Mike_Hawk818

    It’s absolutely criminal that in a game where the opposing starting center was thrown out, AD ends with 8 shots. That HAS to be milked and I’m starting to think Ham is just too passive. It’s too late in the season to not be learning from your mistakes.

  24. odaschox

    Of all the teams with dominant superstars, AD might be the one who gets the ball the least especially in the fourth quarter throughout games, its insane

  25. crohawg

    No matter what we say, AD is not aggressive enough

  26. KyrieWetUpCurry_

    AD and this team in general needs another Dwight or McGee big man to start alongside AD. You can finish games with him at the 5 sure but AD is not built like a center.

    Puts him in the roamer position defensively where he excelled in 2020 and 2021 instead of sheer rim protector. When AD steps out to fix a guards defensive mistake or contest, it almost always leaves an opposing big man crashing vs our guards/wings.

  27. ybt_sun

    Finally a quote/tip from a recent respectable player and not some reporter or talking head

  28. TheMarathonCont1nues

    I said the same thing a couple of games ago and people here said it’s AD fault for not demanding the ball. 😂

    It’s on the players and coaching staff to feed AD. Role players should not be getting more shots than AD. AD will cook at home.

  29. NicDwolfwood

    Thank you big shot Bob for keeping it real.

  30. Dentist_Rodman

    it’s crazy how simple it could all be. Allow Lebron, AD, and Dlo to be the volume shooters and have plays set FOR them to make a play. why must we be plagued with coaches with shit rotations and lack of common sense

  31. thebraavosi1

    Ham has no offense – at times it feels like street ball.
    Even after time outs where there should be clear set plays it looks like street ball.

    Still Rui DNP coaches discussion is just wtf u thinking hot pockets

  32. ShikaMoru

    At what point do we hold the coaching staff accountable? Idk the exact details of their jobs but aren’t they supposed to help break down the other team as well as help make strategies to beat other teams?

  33. random-50

    I want to see AD get used way, way more. But I’d rather see him not used at all than these handoffs to him out by the 3 point line. It’s been ridiculously simple in principle for a while now. Get him the ball reasonably close to the basket, he usually makes something happen. (And I’m including the jumpers – he’s excellent at them provided they’re not too far out.)

    But you get it to him out by the 3 point line and it’s jab, jab, jab, jab, nothing, so try a long 2. Horrible shot even when it goes in, and it hasn’t been falling for a long while now anyway. It’s a pointless possession in every since of the word.

  34. glennasm

    What do you expect from trash player(Ham)?

  35. Ham doesnt realize hes fighting for a job right now 😅

  36. rcs2408

    Thank you Big shot! As many people have stated Stu Lantz mentioned it as well. I was one of those people yelling at the TV to get AD the ball on the block vs Derrick Jones who’s 6’ 6” !!! I thought Ham was gonna turn it around after the post game interview he had stating calling more play for AD down the stretch.

    But nah just got my hopes up and with the stupid ass 3 guard line up and 2 forwards…I’ve had it with Ham.

  37. random-50

    It shouldn’t be up to AD to demand the ball. Most coaches in the league have the massive headache of handling sensitive star egos in addition to figuring out how to get the team to play at its best. Ham has the incredible good fortune to have an undemanding superstar who follows instructions, and it’s completely wasted on him.

  38. Plusstwoo


  39. Nothappened

    Everytime we can make some gains in the standing this team fucks up because of coaching, this team is not going anywhere……Dennis and Reaves should go back to bench and Beasley should start next to LeBron and DLo…. And if teams are leaving Vando wide open and doubling AD then Rui should get Vando’s minutes not fucking Schroder and Lonnie…..

  40. literalmario

    We have a bottom 5 coach in the NBA what do people expect? Seriously.

  41. thedonjefron69

    He needs to play bigger more too. Having AD with Wenyen against guys like Drummond can help a lot. Not to mention you can foul Drummond out if you play him right. We also can’t rely on Schroeder and Reaves in at the same time, we really need dlo back for the guard heavy lineups to actually work

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