@Orlando Magic

Moe got suspended 2 games for this same bump but watch the league do nothing against Draymond. Replay 18 seconds in.

Moe got suspended 2 games for this same bump but watch the league do nothing against Draymond. Replay 18 seconds in.

by datarez


  1. thewrongnotes

    Draymond gets away with so much shit, but I don’t think this is the same.

    Moe’s was more dangerous because it was on the sideline, and both players were running at full speed to chase the ball.

    2 game ban was nonsense, though. Should have been a flagrant 2 at best.

  2. rockstarrugger48

    2 different things. For the record, I’m not a draymond fan , but he could of done something a lot worse in that scenario.

  3. FKKallDAY

    Remember the guy who sucker punched and KO’d Wagner also got a slap on the wrist

  4. Hardwork407

    I think Moe’s got the punishment it did because it started a fight. If the guy from Detroit didn’t throw a punch I think he would’ve gotten away with it. I do agree this is the same kind of play though, Draymond also gets away with a lot more than most. He goes on full blown rants directed at the refs mid game, meanwhile Paolo points at the ref without saying a word and gets a tech. Draymond gets the special treatment sometimes.

  5. breadhead84

    Whoa man those are two totally different scenarios lol

  6. ApatheticJellyfish

    Draymond is a dirty player period. The NBA panders to the Warriors because they make the league money.

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