@Boston Celtics

Under the new CBA, the Celtics can now offer Jaylen a 4 year, $189 million max extension (not as much as a supermax though obviously)

Under the new CBA, the Celtics can now offer Jaylen a 4 year, $189 million max extension (not as much as a supermax though obviously)

by tacko2020


  1. Your__Pal

    The CBA really benefits the Celtics and Brown.

    It’s not clear when the 65 game requirement for All NBA will be enforced, but I bet it will influence writers to avoid guys like Lebron, Durant, Kawhi and AD who would have otherwise absorbed some votes this year.

  2. Minimum_Albatross217

    I can tell most of the commenters here either didn’t take economics or were stoned during class.

    Salaries are a direct reflection of revenue generated by the league, which comes from consumers – tickets, merchandise & television.

    All of them get paid what the market will bear.

  3. jambr380

    I’m really happy the Cs can now put Jaylen on the spot about his next contract, but still dislike this rule. If you will be able to sign a player on your team a max contract when they’re a FA, you should be able to offer them the same contract/extension (minus a year) when they still have a year left.

    When we had Kyrie, even though he was on what was previously a max contract, we couldn’t give him a new max extension because 120% more than his contract at the time was still nowhere near a ‘new’ max. Not that I’m upset we didn’t keep Kyrie, but he was a tough FA loss at the time – which also led to Al leaving.

  4. supersickx3

    “He will no longer have a big incentive to hold off on signing a regular max extension for financial reasons starting this July.” – BRob

    Good news. This summer will put an end to a lot of rumors and speculation one way or another.

  5. pass_ball

    Whatever makes Jaylen happy. I just want Jaylen happy.

    I do not think it is an easy thing to do.

  6. Meatballclub

    I wonder if the CBA had anything to do with the wizards game, don’t we have 3 or 4 VPs / players association officials?

  7. JoJonesy

    How much is that compared to the normal 4-year max he could get from another team in free agency?

  8. WowSoFetch

    Imagine paying Jaylen Brown $47 million a season

  9. planj07

    He’s not staying for anything less than the super max. Let’s be real, JB is lukewarm about being here at best.

  10. Forward-Form9321

    If he makes all NBA we have to give him the supermax right?

  11. DylPickle__

    i hope jaylen stays as long as possible, i enjoy basketball so much with him playing in green

  12. heeresj0hnny

    Can we offer this to him immediately?

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