@Minnesota Timberwolves

An interesting tidbit from a Nuggets/Kahnelly related article from 2019

An interesting tidbit from a Nuggets/Kahnelly related article from 2019

by SnarfSniffsStardust


  1. Notideal12

    Well if this means keeping Naz and shipping KAT off, count me in!


    What was even funnier was when he chided Utah for giving up on NAW and said teams don’t have a lot of patience anymore… As if he didn’t turn over an entire roster 2 months onto the job

  3. penis_hernandez

    It’s crazy that this is a sub for wolves fans and somehow a fair portion of them missed the many times this summer that our beat writers inferred Connelly was pressed to trade for Gobert by Lore and ARod.

  4. Confident-Fish2805

    Should have just given the job to Gupta from the beginning.

  5. tw1nw0lves

    I feel like I remember someone said he blew up a middling, yet consistently making the playoffs, Denver team right when he got there. Maybe it was the DNVR sports guys on Dane’s pod. Clearly built it back up but in his own mold.

  6. skolaen

    Gupta shoulda just kept the job the whole fucking time but nope we decided to make a move based off dumbass owners and a gm whos literally known for one miracle 2nd round pick

  7. guydudebro

    The kicker on all of this is the new details that have come out from the new CBA. It looks like the cap isn’t going up as much as some people originally thought. They’re “smoothing” the cap increases this time, but they’re only going to be increasing the cap by 10% per year at the most, so KAT’s super-max (which increases annually) will still be taking a significant percentage of our cap early on. (For reference, the cap went up 32% in 2016). Depending on how much Jaden’s extension is, and if we keep Naz, Slo Mo, and Conley (or his salary slot), we could hit the new second tax apron as soon as the 2024-25 season, which is pretty restrictive (no taxpayer MLE, can’t sign buy-out guys, can’t take on more salary than you send out in a trade, can’t trade FRPs within 7 year window, can’t send out cash in trades). The only real way to accquire and retain talent once you’re over the 2nd tax apron is through draft picks, which we’re kind of low on.

    They are rolling in these changes over a period of years though, so we’ll see if any of this matters. And of course this all depends on whether or not ARod and Lore are even willing to pay that much in luxury tax.

  8. VikingsandWolves

    Throw out how you perceive Gobert as a player.

    If you know the future of a team is a 21 yr old budding superstar who lives in the paint why would you trade for a 30 yr old star big man who clogs it? Especially when you’re 2nd best players entire offensive advantage is taking advantage of slow footed centers?

    The offensive rating this year has been pretty bad compared to last year when we were number 1 post ASB for a reason.

    The trade will never make sense to me on multiple levels other than the GM just being fascinated with this one player and thinking he would solve all our issues.

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