@National Basketball Association

[Eesfandiari] The Lakers are tied for least back to backs of anyone in NBA this season. Games at beginning of season count as much as ones at end. Spare me blaming schedule.

>The Lakers are tied for least back to backs of anyone in NBA this season. Games at beginning of season count as much as ones at end. Spare me blaming schedule.

Lakers had 12 B2B’s this season, including four that have no travel (SAS/SAS, BKN/NYK, and two sets of home B2B’s

Clippers were tied for most B2B’s this season with 15

by Barbell_Flyes


  1. madhare09

    A difference of 3 seems like “least” is not really that big of a point to make

  2. lets_talk_basketball

    Media is hilarious… Ask a question, take what was said out of context, plaster that everywhere, then write thank pieces about something you made up… It’s brilliant

  3. claimsman11

    that said, they were literally on the second night of a back to back. and teams (especially older ones), usually dont perform as well on the second night!

    why are you so hurt by this

  4. MiopTop

    Except nobody blamed scheduling for their overall record on the year … only brought it up for this specific game …

  5. CoolGrandpa1932

    Lakers can have an easy schedule and the second game of a road b2b can be hard. More than one thing can be true at a time.

  6. Unique-Warning7798

    T-Fewest B2Bs in the league: LAL (12)

    T-Most B2Bs in the league: GSW, LAC (15)

    Most Games with Opponent on B2B:

    T1. Lakers – 18

    T1. Hawks – 18

    T1. Raptors – 18

    T26. Warriors – 10

    Most Games with Opponent on Road B2B:

    1. Lakers – 15

    T2. ATL/TOR/PHX – 11

    T22. Warriors – 6

  7. Wazflame

    I wonder when teams (particularly in the East) do LA trips, how many times do the Lakers get the team on the 2nd night of the B2B compared to the Clippers

  8. Exciting_Compote_547

    Nobody asked for this post lol.

    Lakers hate will have people doing deep dive analysis on some random ass stats.

  9. moby323

    While I agree with the sentiment, a couple more or less b2b over 82 games and nearly 7 months isn’t a huge difference.

  10. Significant_Night_65

    Who blamed schedule? All LeBron said was it was unfortunate that such an important game fell on the 2nd night of a back to back

  11. SPAREustheCUTTER

    The Lakers are an entitled franchise with entitled fans.

    This isn’t entirely their fault. The NBA as an organization has done everything in their power to spoon feed the Lakers success because that team is tied closely to NBA revenue. It’s also important to remember the NBA is for profit business.

    Blaming back to backs when the other team shares your home arena is a weak excuse. Plus, everyone knows the Clippers unreasonably get the shaft in LA so it might as well have been a home game.

  12. darthrevan22

    I mean…the Lakers are pretty much always the favored franchise when it comes to scheduling lol, been this way for years.

  13. LarryKoofer43

    Everyone is also glossing over the fact that the game with Utah went to OT. If the lakers close that like they should have, they would have had a bit more energy. Back to backs are terrible for everyone, they just feel worse at the end of the season cause you have limited chances to gain ground.

  14. JakeGittes74

    Least back to backs. Most free throws.

  15. no_more_jokes

    Lakers fans imagine oppression in league that bends over for them at every opportunity, more at noon

  16. Lebron is bringing up scheduling conflicts. The reporter is saying stop using it as an excuse when your schedule had so many benefits. Maybe win some more games so these conflicts cant be used as an excuse.

  17. And that’s a perfect example of the straw man fallacy

    “we were tired today cause we played b2b after ot”

    “oH sPaRE mE tHE sCHeDUlE bLaMe yOu dIDN’t pLaY b2b’s on JaNuARy”

  18. thatguyteve

    Scheduling should be talked about more. Twolves played Tuesday. Finish the season playing a back to back, on Saturday/Sunday. Like three days off to just play back to back feels strange.

  19. PatientIndividual651

    It’s not like Lebron blamed all the B2B’s for their overall record. It’s just a fact that playing 3 games in 4 days and being the second night of a B2B affected them.

  20. beenebk_

    Why is everyone acting like lebron said it like it was just the lakers that have b2b’s?

  21. shadow_spinner0

    Back to backs were played forever. When did it become a burden on players?

  22. xX_Kr0n05_Xx

    Literally unbiased take but early season games are different from these games because they finally are a somewhat competent roster capable of producing results, which is propelling this discussion. These late games only matter being seeding is not yet clinched, and a potential 5th spot from a pretty deserved 13th that is decided over the last few games affect this. If they werent in contention for seeding then none of this matters. It’s less the complaint that they have to have b2b’s, but rather the discussion around how this affects results

  23. redundanttakes

    Teams are usually more tired during B2Bs and don’t perform as well the second game. More news at 11

  24. KingMonaco

    What does that change? You can still be tired on the second of a b2b lol. That post seems like genuine hate lmao

  25. charuvilat

    Man yall hate on the Lakers harder than anything else. No wonder Lakers fans are always on the attack. We can all agree to play back-to-back after OT is hard and coming back from a road trip. Yall be doing extra research.

  26. sbenfsonw

    People use the term scheduled loss all the time, nothing new here

  27. SeirezZ

    I think blowing a 10 point lead against the Jazz in 90 seconds was more of an issue than actually playing the b2b

  28. Nah but really who even cares it’s not about who has more it just sucks for the product when players are either tired because they’re on one or sit because of it

  29. IskaralPustFanClub

    Yeah the B2B aren’t the issue. The team looked genuinely garbage for a good part of the first half of the regular season. That start was an abomination.

  30. Hey B2B’s hurt more when you got an old ass team tho. 😂

  31. staffdaddy_9

    I don’t think anyone is saying over the course of the season the Lakers got shafted or something. This seems like a straw man. Everyone generally agrees back to backs are tough, and the lakers happened to play a back to back against the clippers and also like 5 games in 8 days. It’s not some conspiracy, but it’s fair to say thats tough especially on old and frequently injured guys like the Lakers have.

  32. garrett7289

    Lol as always, take it up with consumer affairs 😁 good post kind sir

  33. DEEZLE13

    Ty Lue did say this game mattered more than any game they’ve ever played lol

  34. brosephsmith21

    Lakers fans crying about b2bs after playing a b team Jazz squad lmao. They are truly the victims here 💀

  35. awibasedgod

    if the Lakers started 6-6 instead of 2-10, they would be the 4 seed in the west right now

    there is nobody to blame but ourselves for the situation that we are in

  36. Plusstwoo

    No one with sense is complaining we just don’t beat the clippers in the regular season is what it is

  37. FirmShare5

    No one is saying they have it way worse than anyone, just that their situation leading into the Clippers game made it tougher than one they had rest going into. The Lakers faced 2 teams from 4/2/23 on, one of them being the start of a B2B and an OT game, and then had to face the Clippers the next day. All the meanwhile the Clippers got to rest for almost 4 days. No duh it was tough to keep up with a rested, energized team, especially for old a** Bron and AD who never plays the second of a B2B

  38. UnderstandingThis

    So glad Lebron is getting exposed. He’s currently an overrated player with excuses after every self-imposed loss.

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