@Denver Nuggets

Denver Nuggets Player Net Ratings without Jokic. What are the takeaways?

Denver Nuggets Player Net Ratings without Jokic. What are the takeaways?

by gosuruss


  1. Travis Bryant sucks at basketball whoever he is

  2. inurheadinurhead

    i’m pretty sure travis bryant’s +/- should be 0, can’t remember anyone scoring on us when he’s on the court

  3. gosuruss

    My main takeaways are:

    1) lmao i wrote Travis instead of Thomas (had to manually replace abbreviated names myself)

    2)The Reggie Jackson/Thomas Bryant experiment went horribly

    3) Zeke’s net rating is significantly better than the rest of the bench players, we should look to play him more often if he’s healthy, eye test + advanced stats tells me he plays pretty well.

    4) My intuition is telling me, looking at Jeff Green’s current and career advanced stats and lifetime on/off numbers (please look, it’s possibly the worst on/off sample for a player who’s played this many career minutes in NBA history:, that he’s simply unplayable. His sample with Jokic is horrible (they are only a +3 on the season).

    It’s tricky though. Your eyes may tell you he’s still got it. He seems to be a jack of all trades. 6’9, 240. Can shoot 3s and perform highlight dunks. Him and Jokic definitely have some offensive synergy, but that’s the thing about Jokic. He has synergy with everyone. Green gets absolutely cooked on the defensive end with or without Jokic. The team has given up 120 points per 100 with him on the court this season. Personally I’d play Zeke 30 min a game and play Jokic/AG or AG/Zeke or Jokic/Zeke at all times.

    5) Braun and Brown need to play more with Jokic. They are the most athletic cutters on the team who benefit massively from having the best passer in the league who can find them cutting or leaking out in transition. I think MPJ needs to stagger way more than he currently, and play more minutes (he’s at 28). MPJ has young legs and this bench is not performing. 7 more minutes of MPJ could improve this bench offense a ton IMO.

    6) I think Denver missed an opportunity not playing Thomas Bryant and Jamal more together down the stretch. They’ve played 76 total possessions. Bryant hasn’t performed well while here, but he’s got a pretty good sample of being very good finisher with reasonably high usage. What he really needed was a consistent pick and roll partner so he can become more comfortable.

    7) I think the benches failures fall squarely on the coaching staff, it’s simply unacceptable to be a -13 with your best player off. I really don’t think the net rating of -13 is explainable simply by the players they are playing. They are definitely a poorly coached group on both ends of the floor.

  4. stanleyparable222

    ngl wanted a vlatko-porter bench sample size theyve had decent syngery when they played imo miffed that we never got a look at a bb-cb-porter-vlatko-zeke bench or ‘sum like that anything but 3 or more guards

  5. TwoWayMarko

    jokic is clearly the problem , if he wasnt so good players would know how to play without him /s

  6. murrayforthree

    That Malone is over playing Jeff Green. AG or MPJ to stagger is best.

  7. Korndawgg

    AG at 5 in the playoffs may be the solution

  8. Pickin_n_Grinnin

    When will this pernicious stat padding come to an end? Unconscionable!

  9. Duckysawus

    Are these ratings compared to playing next to Jokic, or just in general regardless of Jokic?

    That’s the context needed.

  10. noeffeks

    More proof that Zeke Nnaji is the secret to the Nuggets winning.

    No sarcasm or joke. He is vital, we struggle to win without him.

  11. twittercom

    Can you forward Jeff Green’s numbers to:


    Office of Michael Malone

    1000 Chopper Circle

    Denver, CO 80204

  12. Sljivo87

    They should just call the the team the Denver Jokic Merchants or the Nikola Jokics, not sure which one is better.

  13. ThaBrofessor

    1. Malone is simply not a good coach. Any coach will benefit from having a superstar, but you should be capable of fielding a plus lineup somewhere.
    2. The rest of the starters aren’t pulling their weight. It’s one thing for the bench to be bad, but MPJ, Mal, KCP and Gordon consistently giving you minus minutes as starters (without Jokic) is completely unacceptable.
    3. This roster is missing a capable backup 4/5 so badly.

  14. CharlesTheDog

    As a Suns fan. It means jokic is and should be the Mvp this season.

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