@Los Angeles Lakers

Thread detailing Vando as a liability for our offense and how T. Lue had a good defensive game plan that other teams might adopt come playoffs.

Thread detailing Vando as a liability for our offense and how T. Lue had a good defensive game plan that other teams might adopt come playoffs.

by thejrof


  1. lets_talk_basketball

    Even w/ this, he had one of the better +/- last night… Every contender has a guy or 2 that can’t shoot.. an easy fix is using him in dribble hand off like GSW does

  2. swampcreature511

    All Vando would have to do is hit 1-2 three-pointers and it will open things up for him. He’s totally capable of it.

  3. thejrof

    Really up to Ham to scheme better for us to work around this. Unfortunately rotations and rotational adjustments haven’t been reliable all season from Ham. What are your thoughts on adjustments we could make going forward? Possibly playing Rui more or having Vando setting more picks with AD in the dunker spot?

  4. JRA1706

    As much of a liability this guy might be on O, when he was subbed in on Kawhi, lakers went on like a 17-3 run to cut it to 7. Valuable on defense.

  5. Rentfreelakerfan

    Why y’all so horny to bash players on the team?

  6. He’s too valuable on defense, he’s going to come in clutch during crunch time in the playoffs.

    When he develops a reliable 3 point shot, it’s over for you bitches lol.

  7. Sayomom

    Vando is solid defensively but his offense lacks. That’s on Ham to get him viable cutting and open shots. On the other side, Beasley is defensively awful & offensively has been inconsistent so throwing him out for extended time is a nightmare. Again, Ham needs to be better at getting his guys into their proper spots. Other coaches do an excellent job adjusting according, Ham just hasn’t all season

  8. Bahamut727

    I really like Troy as a starter he produces a lot compared to a bench role and it’s just not a minutes thing.

  9. adocileengineer

    Vando wasn’t the problem last night. The problem was Bron had perhaps the worst half of his career, AD came out flat and fatigued, D’Lo didn’t shoot the ball well, and none of our role players could pick up the slack in the first half.

    There’s really no adjustments to be made off of last night: we just didn’t come ready to play. By the time we turned it up in the second half it was far too late to recover. Sometimes you just flat out lose and you have to forget about it and move on to the next game. Last night was one of those.

  10. Tuner/Hield would have been a much better trade.

  11. subtle_penguin

    Clippers role players also shot lights out from 3 and norman powell turned into james harden.

  12. nine8whatwhat

    this should be known, Vando is the stopper for when we are building a lead, 24 ish minutes

    The closing lineup should be D-Lo, Dennis/Beasley, Reaves, LeBron, Davis

  13. seanffy

    I feel like he is the least of our problem. How about the job Dennis done on defense last night ?

  14. Gringo-Bandolero

    Hasn’t changed my mind about him as a player. But it is definitely of note, thanks for sharing.

    I’m still excited for him and hope we keep him around for a few years.

  15. hatisbackwards

    The team still scored 118 points. As ugly as the offense was sometimes, the defense was the problem not the offense. They gave up 125 to the Clippers. Someone needs to clamp Norman Powell he was the leading scorer for the Clippers.

  16. niknokseyer

    Ty Lue just outcoached Ham plain and simple.

    Play-in and/or playoffs gonna expose Ham if he’s a decent coach at all.

  17. Ill_Celery_7654

    I just hated how AD and Bron kept feeding Vando the ball in the first half. I think he has the potential to become a better offensive player, but it’s not going to happen this season. I think it’ll for sure be the focus of his game in the offseason.

  18. iamdare

    In the early games after the Lakers made the trade, I remember some combinations of AD/Vando PnR with Vando as the screener. I’m not sure what change and decided to put Vando in the corner.

  19. Lakers just flat out lost. They would’ve beat the clippers if they didn’t have them on a back to back and if they didn’t have 4 days rest. The schedule beat the lakers don’t overreact to one loss. The clippers shooting pct was way over their normal average. And win for Russ was a big motivator for those bums

  20. brazyace43

    The issue is ham. Ham has good pieces and can’t utilise strengths and rotations

  21. Ranieboy

    This all can be mitigated with adjustments and counters and that falls on the coaching staff.

    Imo it’s both the fatigue and playcalling that there’s not that much cutting and screening from all of the guys.

  22. Js_On_My_Yeet

    Value his defense more than his offense. When he plays it right, he ends up getting transition baskets.

  23. No, we’re not going to play Rui over Vando… get over it – I won’t even name the community, because it’s endless.

    Same thing when Lynn was here.. Jesus.

  24. Chao_607

    Been saying this for a while, but I think his defense more than makes up for it.

  25. life_is_a_burner

    He should be more of a lob threat/rim finisher

  26. The main take I get from this is that Clippers had time to game plan and did, we didn’t. I have no doubt in my mind we will be prepared for shit like this in the playoffs.

  27. thehardestnipples


  28. dineroknights

    I’ve been saying for weeks that this would happen in the playoffs. If he can’t make teams pay it will be 4 on 5 on offense when he’s out there.

  29. If Powell had a season high instead of a career high we win that game.

  30. rcs2408

    I’m not seeing the same activity on offense with Vando. I feel like he was moving and cutting a lot more in the first few games, idk if it has something to do with Bron being back and we need him to space out the floor.

    We need him to be more active with cuts and crashing the offensive rebounds.

  31. LeeToucansKids

    I don’t see much of a liability. This is nothing.

  32. theseustheminotaur

    This is why we weren’t playing him down the stretch in Utah too, despite needing his defense. Utah was doing this and holding ad to barely any shots

  33. Borrowedshorts

    Reaves needs to come off the bench. Yes he deserves to start, but our stars often get too complacent to start the game and we fall behind and don’t have enough firepower on the bench to keep up offensively. The loss is on LeBron though, he can’t play that bad and expect to win. By the time he stepped up in the second half, it was already too late.

  34. Djaukamo

    The real issue last night was when Wenyon Gabriel stayed on the floor in the second half. The Clippers went on runs and Ham kept Gabriel in for at least 3 minutes too long before subbing Vando back in.

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