@Dallas Mavericks

[Brad Townsend] Cuban says Mavs’ season record is on him for not recognizing what personnel changes were needed to prevent Mavs’ backslide on defense. “It’s absolutely my fault for not recognizing that,” he says

[Brad Townsend] Cuban says Mavs’ season record is on him for not recognizing what personnel changes were needed to prevent Mavs’ backslide on defense. “It’s absolutely my fault for not recognizing that,” he says

by H_Finn27


  1. H_Finn27

    Out of all Cuban’s quotes today, this one is the most disturbing to me. He obviously believes he is still the final say on personnel matters. Cuban has not learned his lesson from the post title years that he should stay the fuck out of the way and let basketball people make the basketball decisions. I’ve lost all confidence in this organization’s ability to build a title contender around Luka

  2. Buckle_unit

    I like how we’re not even pretending anymore that Nico is the GM. Fans shit on donnie and harlabob and now the shoe salesman, the real decision maker is and always has been Cuban.

  3. vlad_thegod

    Literally everybody has been saying that before the season even began

  4. EmrysMyrdin

    So he is still behind everything. Good to know. No wonder the front office decisions have been so awful if he doesn’t allow people do their job and thinks he knows better.

  5. yung_sage

    This just proves that it was basically Cubans decision to throw away Dodo like defense isn’t important in this league, on a team that already sucked at defense. He might as well be a Reddit nephew/ box score watcher

  6. Artlens2013

    Cuban’s meddling in basketball operations will continue to drag this team down. He’s not as smart as he thinks he is with this stuff and it will be our downfall

  7. RyceMenace

    Jerry Jones and Cuban are literally the same Person. FUCK BRO

  8. desirox

    Cuban is going to lose Luka. Sometimes I hate the fact I grew up in Dallas and have to root for this team

  9. jfrodriguez1983

    It’s like Cuban saw the painful end to this season, followed by THSr. comments, and said “How can I make today worse for Mavs fans?”

  10. bloodydingbat

    WCF last year, we all saw Looney make Powell look like an infant.

    What did we do this year?

    Install Powell into the starting lineup.


  11. shelle399

    Makes me wonder if kidds apathy was thinking prove a point to get him the roster he wants.

  12. grusilag9

    I hate that I’m emotionally so tied to something that is nothing more than a billionaire’s play toy.

  13. grusilag9

    This team will be at a serious competitive disadvantage as long as Cuban is making roster decisions while other teams hire and rely on experts to do that.

  14. onlyfijiwater

    Wtf was the purpose of literally anything he said today? Seems like it is all detrimental to the team…

  15. dragonwhale

    What does that even mean? Is he saying people were warning him and he was like “NAHHHHHHHHH” or was everyone just this incompetent and Cuban is taking the fall?

  16. Slickshooz

    Do we still have the badass defensive assistant from last year? I could Google it, but would rather add to the conversation. This seems like the opposite of where the stars were before bringing in DeBoer. They have the offense, but just have to shave about 10-15 points off of opponents to legitimately have a championship team. IMHO.

  17. Known-Customer88

    I so wish he would fucking back down and not interfere with everything. Let people who actually know what they are doing do their job.

    Cuban thinks he is fucking smarter than all the other GMs/Owners out there.

  18. rafacena

    Dude, as an owner Cuban should not be deciding on players, he should be working the business aspect alone.

  19. DrChill21

    Mark Cuban the owner needs to fire Mark Cuban the General Manager.

  20. piercehwthrn

    Why is no one blaming the general manager?

  21. eganmit

    Bro, why do you think you know how to construct an NBA roster… stop inserting yourself into team building so much you fool

  22. ThePolishedPrimate

    I think he’s just trying to take a bullet for everyone

  23. Powpowpowowowow

    Bro holy fuck man. Nico has a gun to his head on some of these fucking moves.

  24. ChuckMoody

    1. Good on him to take the responsibility
    2. He shouldn‘t be the one making roster decisions and it seems like this is a problem now for years.

  25. Skrapnadroj

    I am not sure fans know what it means to have a bad owner…. hate Jerry Jones all you want but championships are not how owners are graded. The fans that say sell the team or Cuban is bad deserve to have teams like the Kings going 20 years without any playoffs.

    I am not a Cowboys fan but the Jerry Jones meddling is well known around the league but as the most powerful owner who could sell his team for anything is what really matters to them. I like the honesty Mark has given this team… he is front and center through the good and the bad. No one is happy with this season but every time this team hits adversity people are calling for the head of everyone…. that is how you end up a loser for multiple decades.

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