@San Antonio Spurs

San Antonio Spurs help refurbish 5 basketball courts around Austin

Before a few people freak out as usual, Spurs aren’t moving. To Austin or anywhere. If you maybe didn’t know, our G-League team the Austin Spurs are already there in Austin. This is to both encourage turnout for their games next season and just build up the natural Spurs fanbase in Austin. As an older SA native in Austin for the last 15+ years (and other years earlier), there are a LOT of Spurs fans in Austin, and more SA people than you’d think.

Chill and enjoy these games and this story and just be happy that some Austin die-hard Spurs fans get to see a couple of games and kids and others get some better courts.

Spurs already do a lot around SA, them helping restore some Austin courts is just the best investment and marketing. It’s a no-lose PR situation… except for a few people clutching pearls online.

by kanyeguisada

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