@Los Angeles Lakers

[Cranjis] Malik Beasley is now shooting : 45.5% on off-screen and handoff 3s | 28.4% on spot up 3s (this was like 24% a week ago) | 51.6% on transition 3s

[Cranjis] Malik Beasley is now shooting : 45.5% on off-screen and handoff 3s | 28.4% on spot up 3s (this was like 24% a week ago) | 51.6% on transition 3s

by ThisAnswerIsLit


  1. Gristle__McThornbody

    Coming off the bench has been a good thing.

  2. MoistWetMarket

    It’s so strange Beas can run around two screens, rise up with a hand in his face and nail the three but can’t hit an open spot up. Mental?

  3. breakthrureality

    So he likes to be moving when he’s shooting

  4. Nefariousness1-

    People suggesting they cut him out of the rotation are idiots. You have to live with his streaky shooting. He is gonna be huge for any hope of a deep run.

  5. KarrotMovies

    I noticed he’s just way more consistent on handoff 3s. He usually misses wide open 3s, but if he’s running around a screen, he makes it

  6. mig1208

    Anyone know the laker presale code for tickets today? for play in/playoffs

  7. sashimi3008

    if we win the championship itll be because he stepped up

  8. rick_32

    Would love to see stats on what % of each category is open vs contested

  9. twistedinnocence8604

    So he’s shooting better with defense in his face vs wide open? That’s all mental right there. Too much pressure when left wide open. Teams might start leaving him open on purpose maybe?

  10. Subject_Gene_9775

    Troy Brown Jr also hit a pretty insane, leaning left three towards the corner last night. Even Stu Lantz was impressed lol

  11. woKaaaa

    This was known when we picked him up. He was a 43% shooter off screen. When he had the fire hot game vs the Pels, I thought we had learned from our mistakes. No!

    I hope we continue to keep him on the move.

  12. nowayermat

    Guys who can nail stationary corner 3s are just more valuable in a Lebron led offense.

  13. KickAndFlipJr

    Laker fans are bipolar as fuck. Minute by minute…

    Calm the fuck down, every time someone’s in a slump it’s not time to burn the house down.

    I knew Beasley would be back to old self. He’s a flamethrower. Very elite 3 point shooter.

  14. Look at what he posted right under that. He’s been a good spot up shooter most of his career. He’s due for positive regression.

  15. enzblade

    The team probably already knew what kinds of shots Beas likes to and can make. The point now is how to give him those shots in the flow of the offense. Some practice and familiarity within the team should help.

  16. MITAnthonyDavis

    anyone know what d’los transition pull up 3 percentage is? my money’s on 70%

  17. GetSchwifty1326

    Just play to his strengths as much as possible. If you can get him the handoff or off screen try that but only give him spot up if he’s open?

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