@Dallas Mavericks

Absolute clown show.

Absolute clown show.

by lilboytuner919


  1. -Acerin

    Yeah right highly doubt. His dad can lie all he wants.

  2. YoStepWithLuka77

    Quit listening to drama queens like Tim macmahon

  3. nickthearchaeologist

    Damn Cuban for bringing this story back to the forefront of r/nba hive mind…

  4. ChuckMoody

    It was just so dumb from Cuban to open this whole Brunson saga again. You lost the second best guy on the roster who has won big time everywhere he went. Whats even worse than losing Brunson that they somehow thought they didn‘t need to replace him.

    Cuban will get torched on all NBA podcasts and shows and he deserves every little bit of it

  5. TZBlueIce

    What’s funny is in Cuban’s attempt to dispute this, he ended up not even contradicting what Brunson’s camp is saying here (and has been saying).


    “Weeks before the trade deadline” – which still fits with the timeline of early January being when the offer was last available. Not an outright lie, but a disingenuous framing to shift the fault onto the Brunson camp. To say that it was unfair on Brunson’s part to have walked away after the Mavs didn’t accept the early January offer.

  6. shibbyman342

    >they had gone to the Mavericks and said (in early January) “If you put it on the table now, we’ll sign it.

    To all of those that think JB is an independent person and made the best decision for himself.. remember this comment. Daddy is calling all of the shots.

  7. j_rom_003

    I mean cuban hasn’t spoken up on much this season. It’s pretty obvious he is trying to take up the heat while the team tanks so the Kyrie talk will go away for a bit.

  8. It’s not even just as simple as they lost Brunson. They lost Brunson plus DFS, Dinwiddie and a 1st trying to replace Brunson.

    Truly a franchise altering fuck up.

  9. Moe4ver

    Cuban said (believe it or not) that Brunson’s camp asked them to clear $18-$23 mil in cap around trade deadline.

    Could this be what Rick is referring to? Mavs will need that cap available to sign Brunson to anything above the 4/$56 mil.

    It’s such a clusterfuck.

  10. UseAffectionate1992

    I just don’t understand the thought process behind not wanting to keep nearly everyone from last season (especially Brunson) after making it to the WCF. A lot of people may think us upsetting the Suns was a fluke, but it was huge for that team and showed how much potential they had. IMO if you add a good center who can defend and rebound to that team, and maybe one or two more small pieces, we would be contenders this year.

  11. StealyEyedSecMan

    Fan since 98, I’m seriously thinking about quitting the Mavs as a fan. Am I crazy? This team has become terrible to follow and watch.

  12. Tuffwith2Fs

    I feel like what gets lost in the back and forth is that the Knicks were actually “disciplined” for tampering. So, the league evidently found sufficient credible evidence that NYK violated league rules. Add that to the fact that NYK hired Rick Brunson as a consultant or whatever the hell when they did…there was no way JB was coming back and any effort to suggest otherwise strikes me as nothing but Rick Brunson covering his own ass in the media.

  13. slimkid07

    No one will sign here because of this fucking idiot.

  14. thefoolonahill

    I’m not one of the doomers on here constantly after losses screaming about the sky falling and calling for Luka to be traded…that being said, “Absolute clown show” is Cuban and this FO’s default setting. 🙁

  15. shawnkfox

    There is no way Brunson would have signed that $56m deal. He was playing great and everybody knew he’d get at least $20m after the season. Furthermore the Nets had already hired his dad and told him they’d give him a big contract as a free agent.

    I’d believe Brunson would have signed an extension before the season after his shit play in the playoffs though for sure.

    That said, it was dumb of Cuban not to offer the extension anyway just in case he would sign it (but he wouldn’t have). It was even more dumb to sign THJ to his $20m contract and I’ve got the downvotes to prove I believed that last year when that dumbass contract was given as well.

  16. Tfoster100

    Gotta save money to get the next big FA /s
    We’re all getting tired of the bad decisions and then the cover up.

  17. rickfortyone

    Regardless if true or not, Cuban is a fucking bozo and a cheap ass just like every other wealthy person.

  18. aeiou-y

    We would have traded Brunson in the kyrie trade anyways.

  19. Mavs had 4 years to extend him or resign him, still with the bird rights could have offered more. Cuban is a cheapskate and was looking to save money for more bad deals like THJ, now they got nothing. Will most likely not resign kyrie because of price being too high

  20. elsporko321

    I mean, this is really simple. Just look at what happened.

    Brunson isn’t on the team: not for $56 million, not for $110 million (or the higher number the Mavs could offer to “pay him more than anyone else”). Cuban could have done either, he chose not to.

    Either way you slice it, Brunson should have been here in all scenarios and he’s not so it’s safe to say we can blame Cuban for screwing that up. Everything else is just semantics and details that don’t change the fact that he screwed this up.

  21. pot8odragon

    Cuban is one of the worst basketball owners in the nba and is absolutely ruining this franchise. 2011 was 12 years ago. It’s time to win

  22. PapasWill

    Who cares. Was obv he was gonna be a knock

  23. Winnie_Reds

    Don’t forget Rick Brunson thinks he is Patrick Ewing.

  24. totaliron

    Many people here will still believe that Brunson was always wanting to go to the Knicks 😆 🤣

  25. La_Kusha

    We looking like some idiots out here bro Wtf

  26. Fullmetalx117

    Why doesn’t Cuban ever address why Brunson was a UFA in the first place

  27. i’m glad they didn’t put it on the table. with jb, they’d be out of the playin possibility 10 games ago

  28. Claxtonite

    Never thought I’d say this; however, Kyrie deserves better……lol

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