@Toronto Raptors

👀The Hawks’ front office has the green light from ownership to consider trade opportunities involving Trae Young, per @Kevin O’Connor

👀The Hawks’ front office has the green light from ownership to consider trade opportunities involving Trae Young, per @Kevin O’Connor

by CazOnReddit


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  3. EarthWarping

    They’d want Scottie (which while not totally against, is it enough of an upgrade?)

    Plus Hawks beat writers are already denying this.

  4. hoennking502

    If you though fvv was small guard who chucks a lot

    I have a guy for you…

  5. blazewarrior32

    same people saying no are the ones who said no to donovan mitchell look how that turned out plus trae is only 24

  6. What_Huh_

    Trae has his warts but overall is a very good talent. But is he one that you’re comfortable committing $40+ million of your salary cap to? I’m not sure on that one and it seems like the Hawks agree.

  7. danger_zones

    Forget Trae, I want AJ Griffin. He’s going to be special. He’s a three level scorer with high BBIQ. I’d rather go after him then trade a haul of picks only to put a mediocre team around Trae.

  8. Massive_Secretary658

    Y’all crying about trading scottie for trae but at this point i just want a player on this team who can shoot the fucking ball

  9. ttttyttt678

    If we can have a core of Trae, GTJ (can’t trade cause Free Agent), Precious, Scottie, Jakob. We’d be more exciting but not a contender. Is it worth trading OG AND PASCAL??

  10. prodigus01

    Trae Young has his flaws but I’d take him over mr. Bet On Yourself in a heartbeat.

  11. jjkiller26

    Can you build a title team around a 6 foot guard skinny guard who’s probably the worst defender in the league?

  12. peroper7

    Trae’s offensive abilities are generational

    His defensive capabilities are generational as well

    Would take him in a heartbeat tho

  13. big_nose_juicer

    He’s better than vanbrick but not worth whatever we would have to give up

  14. BurzyGuerrero

    Raptor fans REALLY lust after players who a) don’t play defense, and b) are super pretty when they score the basketball.

    It’s the Toronto sub’s favourite archetype of basketball player. In the DeRozan days, OG was the archetype they all loved, 3 and D, can defend anything, can shoot the 3 well. Now it’s the SCORE FIRST DEFENSE NEVER PG.

  15. AlexRescueDotCom

    Yes 100%

    Idgaf. I want entertainment this year.

    Half court shorts from Trae.

    Dunks from scottie.

    Mids from gtj.

    Rainbow shots from boucher.

    Blocks from koloko.

  16. dot_com-ca

    Kills me to say but I would entertain a Siakam for Trae swap. But nothing extra. I would not deal OG or Scottie.

  17. No_Brilliant5888

    Flynn, Young, Porter Jr and a 2nd rounder should get it done

  18. broman911

    Would we do Siakam for Trae? Maybe hawks add a little something else

  19. FatShackOfSit

    Not a fan of him unless he gets better at D and stops the turnovers so much.

  20. AdSignificant6673

    Isn’t there this equilibrium where players with high offensive output just don’t have the legs / energy for defence. But good teams can compensate for that.

  21. PM_me_startup_jobs

    You can tolerate no defense from generational efficient scorers like Lillard, Luka, Jokic, Curry.
    Trae is not there and likely never will be, hard pass.

  22. motherseffinjones

    Sorry but I’d rather build through the draft. People complain about FVV, but after a season or 2 people would be lose it.

  23. faysal1979

    I bet trae doesn’t want to play in Toronto.

  24. It would be a yes only if he shaves his head or gets some hair restoration done.

  25. GanjaLoverCan

    Hard pass. But with Rico Hines, and our company, maybe. But not sure about this. Could he rebuild into a star again? Possibly?

  26. Promech

    Sometimes I think “the sub isn’t that bad” and then you see dumb ass takes in this thread like “Trae young clearly isn’t a super star” or “he’s the same as Fred without the defense”

    Y’all realize this year was a BAD year for Trae Young and he averaged 26/10 on on slightly better shooting splits than Fred. Yea he’s a bad defender, but guess what? We have a team full of good defenders that can MORE than cover up for it. We aren’t losing games because we can’t defend, we’re losing because we can’t score. We allowed the 6 LEAST points per game by an opponent while at the same time scoring the 6th LEAST points per game.

  27. PugTheHarbinger

    I’m soooooooooooooooo good. I do not want trae, at all. Sure, he’s a good scorer, but the defence! He will get burned in a playoff run 100%.

  28. jugglers_despair

    Trae is a chucker and turnover machine. It would have to be the ultimate buy low to stomach a trade for him

  29. DomincNdo

    Best I can do is Vanvleet, Flynn and a bag of chips

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