@Houston Rockets

Add another name to the head coach interview list

Add another name to the head coach interview list

by AverageLess3884


  1. Few_Mulberry5372

    He’s good according to Suns fans. One of the top offensive minds in the league

    Another assistant who was one of the top offensive minds in the league is Stephen Silas

  2. Electrical-Clock8251

    Interesting. He was there when Chris Paul was traded and so maybe he has some insight on what kind of veterans can help the young’nes flip the switch and how to make that happen.

  3. JalenGreenMVP

    We need a proven coach to fix our current situation. Someone who commands respect

  4. TotallynotJaun

    Atkinson or udoka and nobody else

  5. Dense_Ad9427

    I don’t want a first time new HC this time.

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