@Orlando Magic

Looks like he’s gonna be Unanimous ROTY! 🔥❤️

Looks like he’s gonna be Unanimous ROTY! 🔥❤️

by RShafer7


  1. Hardwork407

    Poor OKC fans, Williams’ half season didn’t win the award 😞

  2. Exact_Purchase_7147


    This one’s for you J-Dub

  3. coomer8719

    Miss him at Duke but so happy for him. He’s gonna have a long, damn good career.

  4. Matt_Netherlands

    I like Williams, but holy crap the Thunder fans make you want to dislike him with the constant Paolo bashing. JDub is almost two years older than Paolo and Paolo during what would be his sophomore year in college averaged 20 PPG in the NBA. Williams as a sophomore at Santa Clara shot under 40% from the field, lol. JDub having a few good games as the #1 option with SGA out is nowhere comparable to Paolo doing it for an entire season. No way in hell he hits anywhere close to his efficiency numbers as the number one option over a full season facing double and triple teams regularly and being the first player on the scouting report every night. Paolo’s efficiency will come with experience and continued growth, but what he learned this season will be invaluable in his development.

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