@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Siakam goes 1 for 3 at the line as DeRozan’s Daughter continues her MVP case

[Highlight] Siakam goes 1 for 3 at the line as DeRozan’s Daughter continues her MVP case

by CP3_for_MvP


  1. Ornery_Conference_50

    Demars daughter boutta have the sickest sore throat vs miami

  2. StraightCashHomie69

    Pascal “not Mike Conley” Siakam

  3. beamingleanin

    You thought you was Conley?? They don’t love you like that

  4. NitroXYZ

    Nobody actually thought he’d make all 3. This dude is always scared at the line

  5. 177676ers

    This is my new favorite thing ever. Absolutely insane performance from her.

  6. MrVincent17

    Karma for that awful AWFUL call giving him 3 FTs

  7. JulianRedditAccount

    This shit is hilarious. Raptors fans being genuinely mad at it makes it better

  8. Hojie_Kadenth

    That was the grossest intentional manipulation of an end of game to make it more dramatic that I have ever seen.

  9. NAACP_YoungBoy

    Demar DeRozan daughter is Toronto Raptor father

  10. Deno2k_

    18 missed free throws for the raptors is nasty work

  11. lightskinbeaner

    Generational defense 😭😭😭

  12. thefranchise305

    Really gives value to Conley’s 3 free throws last night. And he hit those on the road

  13. genohgeray

    To call that a shooting motion is nothing less than absurd.

  14. VibrantLake

    Not to scream on the second is one of the highest iq basketball plays I’ve ever seen

  15. MediocreAtLife

    The most honest ball I have ever seen. Shit was incapable of fibbing


    Raps didn’t deserve that extra foul shot


  17. codespyder

    Defeated by an actual child Jfc just fade me

  18. What an unacceptable call to make in that situation

  19. 4x4runner

    What the hell was that foul call? How was that considered a shooting foul?

  20. raps1992

    Hahhahaha we really lost to DeMars daughter. Fuckin end me bro that was pathetic

  21. __backspace__

    People finding out opposing fans yell at players during free throws to distract them.

    Circa, 4/12/23

  22. shaqfearsyao

    This is one of the worst team free throw incompetence in a long time

  23. WiseguyD

    honestly didn’t think we’d have any more heartbreaking ways to lose games but I’d say losing to a screaming 7 year old probably takes the cake

  24. prettyflyforahentai

    how was that even 3 free throws in the first place?

  25. Laying off the scream on the second shot was genius. He was totally expecting it then it came in off timing and under volume. Then bringing it back for the third shot was the nail in the coffin.

  26. AveBoyTrey6

    With the season on the line lmfaooooo😭😭😭😭😭😭

  27. Rationalknicksfan

    she’s gonna sound like doc rivers soon

  28. Severus_Snipe69

    Please tell me how this is 3 FTs

  29. Static299

    How on earth was he given 3 shots for that chuck

  30. youngflyking

    How was that siakams shooting motion? The ref’s wtf. Naa they’ve got to look into that.


  32. The-Pharcyde

    im still not sure what the refs were on to call that shooting lol

  33. cormacaroni

    it just got funnier and funnier every time, my lord

    sounded like a wildcat being stabbed with rusty shears, and then the bricks started hitting

  34. JDrakeR

    Serious question for Bulls fans. Does Demar’s daughter do this for every game she goes to? Or did she just randomly have a stroke of genius today?

  35. ehs4290

    I like how she varies the timing a bit. Like a great pitcher throwing offspeed pitches at certain points

  36. The_Assassin_Gower

    Moment of silence for the poor people that had to sit near that

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