@Toronto Raptors

That screaming…DeMars Daughter.

Props to her, no fear

by skippyn


  1. Props?!? Wtf hell no, she needs to get smth

  2. Migosslav

    Damn that’s annoying, at least the boys will be shooting the other way now, won’t be as loud and as annoying

  3. minivant

    Super fan has to start screeching when it’s the Bulls turn on that side

  4. SombreroArrow

    Fuck that kid security should be able to tell her to stfu

  5. jayinscarb

    Everyone too scared to tell her to shut it. Who cares if it’s DeMars kid

  6. Kilbotkilo

    Oh man was wondering who the Banshee was. F__k

  7. Longjumping_Elk1269

    Entitled little brat…woof. Debo should know better.

  8. NervousAd3202

    I honestly care more that she’s annoying everybody in the building than if she’s fucking w the raptors FTs.

    Imagine paying your hard earned money for this game & you’re sitting near her

  9. Needs to stop regardless who it is….. so annoying

  10. JaneDundas

    The dude behind her in the green shirt…I feel your pain 😖

  11. TurtleSquad23

    She’s having so much fun screaming tho lmao

    FT distractions have been a part of the game since the beginning. And Holy shit she’s screaming louder now that the sides have switched lmao. I think it’s hilarious. Downvote me you babies. You know it’s true. Raptors ain’t no bitch ass Devin Booker. Let her scream.

  12. NoMoPolenta

    “I remember when you were 12 you came to the game and screamed your little heart out.”

    *DeMar’s 16 year old daughter keeps looking at her phone*

  13. MaggmaX1

    If there ain’t a rule for this shit rn, there will be soon with how she’s ruining the NBA’s Precious play-in

  14. SnooChickens8906

    Lol let her troll. Just mute it for tv because it’s annoying. But at the game it’s all fair.

  15. Demar control your hell spawn. Annoying as fuck.

  16. Unique-Statement-609

    The dude in the grey shirt showing a kid in a white shirt something on his phone, then she starts screaming. Their reaction is shock 😆

  17. JeremPosterCollect0r

    “I’ll never be a villain in Toronto.”

  18. GanjaLoverCan

    Horseshit, my left and right rear surround speakers would like to have word. Ffffs

  19. shahed2806

    Disgusting people in this thread and the other ones. She’s a kid, will you people stfu ffs. Get some real problems to complain about…

  20. Exciting-Rub-6006

    Russ would have her kicked out

  21. Longjumping_Elk1269

    LOL we actually lost partly because of her. 18 missed FTs is unacceptable. Giving up a 19-pt lead at home too… We didn’t deserve it. Chalk it down to another anticlimactic season. Nurse will probably not come back either. Buckle up!

  22. Ramirzee8

    If it was a regular fan they would’ve got security to pack em up

  23. mcspectakular

    We traded her dad after he signed a max extension at the start of free agency and declared his goal to be a Toronto sports legend…guess she’s getting hers now

  24. Lmao guys there is so much salt can’t believe a 10 year old is getting under so many grown adults skin

  25. Mental-Safety-1067

    Grown adults getting mad they team lost to a 9 year old

  26. That’s stupid as fuck how is that allowed

  27. Comprehensive-Tour48

    Grown adults insulting a child because their team lost 😭😂

  28. Throughout the game, I was thinking, “I would slap that screeching kid if they were mine because they got not manners”. Goddamn privileged kids.

  29. Tight_Appointment787

    Fuck that little shit, man. Ruined the experience for people sitting there

  30. shadow_warrior_6

    Annoying little shit. I don’t even care that the team lost. I’ve been to a home playoff game during the championship run and a couple of Jays and TFC games and never heard that kind of consistent screeching. You know it’s bad when you see comments about it everywhere on social media, and even Matt mentioned it on the broadcast.

  31. RemarkableBag9576

    I’d hardly call it brave. She’s a little black girl with a multimillionaire father, if anyone confronted her about it, there would have been footage from multiple angles and he or she would be an immediate social pariah.

    Yes, I’m generalizing about children born into extreme wealth, but nothing about her screams “I’ve experienced negative consequences for my actions” to me.

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