@Toronto Raptors

We all rooting for them in the playoffs right?

We all rooting for them in the playoffs right?

by Scottie_Barnes_Stan


  1. pakattack91


    Unless they somehow end up playing OKC or Denver. I want another Canadian to get a ring ideally.

    Edit: I know they playing wiggy but I want to see the Warriors lose so Klay can count the number of rings he has again 😂

  2. NoseBlind2

    Honestly yeah unless OKC makes a miracle run

  3. crumpledbrouhaha

    We will be rooting for whoever plays the Sixers and the Celtics

  4. MDS_1996

    As long as the Bulls and OKC win there games tonight anything after that is gravy

  5. paolocase

    I like my men thicc to reluctantly, go Heat.

  6. OguguasVeryOwn

    Rooting for them as a feelgood story, but really I mainly root for Canadians and ex-Rap legends. So Thunder, Nuggets, Heat, Bulls.

  7. Impartial__


    Grizzlies for me. Love their attitude

  8. Evadeit

    I’ll root for Steph tbh, he’s just so incredible to watch and would probably be my fav player of this generation

  9. xc2215x

    Yeah. If not them, someone that isn’t the Celtics or Sixers.

  10. AppleDry1

    I think I’ll skip the playoffs and watch F1 instead 😂😅

  11. danger_zones

    Nah, I’m rooting for the Grizzlies. Their players have personality and an arrogance about them that I like. Not to mention the fact that Dillon Brookes is clearly in the Warriors heads 😂

  12. zellmerz

    I’m rooting for 1. Denver/OKC 2. Kings. If it’s gonna be a team from the East let it be Chicago, Miami or the Bucks.

  13. fox is my fav player in the league so ofc i will

  14. Ok_Code_6314

    I would like too see Denver win it. Jamal Murray and Jokic are an amazing duo. Jamal being Canadian also makes me root for the nuggets more. They made 2 of the best off acquisitions in trading for KCP and Signing Bruce Brown. They’ve building this team for couple years now drafting MPJ, trading for Aaron Gordon. This their year imo to make the finals. I have the bucks winning it all again but would be happy if the nuggets pull it off

  15. ilritorno

    Teams I’ll root for: Sacramento; Denver.

    Teams I’ll root against: 76ers, Clippers, G. State, Suns, Lakers, Celtics.

    Lesser evil to win the East between 76ers, Celtics, Bucks: Bucks easily…

  16. ballsweatsoup

    Denver was the team that got me into basketball in 2016 when I first started watching so even tho raptors are MY team and I live in the city, once they’re out i’m part of wuggets wation

  17. jjkiller26

    I just watch the games as a neutral. SGA is probably the only guy im rooting for because of team canada

  18. Rooting for Bulls then Tunder then if they win the Kings

  19. SoGayBloward

    I’ve loved monk and fox since they were in KY I’m so happy for them

  20. HotSwordfish23

    Couldn’t care less tbh, I’m more of a Raptors fan than a NBA fan

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