@New York Knicks

NBA investigation concluded that the Mavericks violated player resting policy, and “demonstrated through actions and public statements the organization’s desire to lose the game in order to improve the chances of keeping its first-round pick in the 2023 NBA Draft.”

But they keep the pick?

by logan44man


  1. ThisIsEduardo

    so they concluded the obvious, that DAL intentionally threw the game, yet are slapping them on the wrist?

  2. cesarjulius

    i get that taking away their pick might be excessive, but a 750k fine is a joke. at least take away a SRP from them.

    a personal fine should be punishment for a personal violation. like if a coach shits on the refs, he gets fined.

    but an organizational violation, that gives the organization an advantage, should result in an organizational punishment.

    what am i missing?

  3. ObscurelyTalented

    idk why but i imagined that they will nuke the pick so both nyk and mavs lose 🤷‍♂️eh we still have next year’s. We can sell high on the future pick if the Mavs fail to make any moves or kyrie walks

  4. asapfetty

    Wack should of at least took a 2nd away from them

  5. Hot-Turnover4883

    I hope nobody is suprised here lmao

  6. OutsidePrior2020

    So they pay what in NBA money is a modest fine and keep the pick? SMH

  7. beanie_mac

    “I smell pussy! Is that you Adam???” – 50 Cent

  8. Yankeeknickfan

    The mavericks paid a few thousand dollars to keep a pick. Every team would make that trade. If the NBA wants to actually stop, they’d take away a pick. Such a gutless league

  9. Mike-N7

    Mavericks: “demonstrated through actions and public statements the organization’s desire to lose the game in order to improve the chances of keeping its first-round pick in the 2023 NBA Draft.”

    NBA punishment: Let them keep the pick

    Mavericks: (Hulk meme) ” I see this as an absolute win!”

  10. BeachCruisin22

    It’s one thing to tank, it’s another to tank in this manner when the pick conveyance is part of a prior good-faith deal.

  11. Mediocre_Zombie5669

    Honestly, it doesn’t even matter. All that happened is Mark Cuban got a “slap on the wrist” 750k fine. That’s literally nothing for a guy like him.

  12. AustinRiversNYK

    Aww hopefully mark Cuban doesn’t get a boo boo from that slap on the wrist

  13. JET_TFU

    So NBA is openly endorsing fixing games then. Rigged

  14. Rodef1621

    The NBA just set a monetary value of $750k for tanking. Given the potential return on a lottery pick, it makes financial sense for a franchise to tank.

  15. Az89732134769

    Guys this is best case scenario. Could they just strip the pick? Sure but where’s the fun in that! Silver going to let a team behind them to jump the mavs, giving us 11 and really slapping Cuban in the face

  16. knicksdb

    All I’m saying is, if this was in baseball or football they would lose the pick. But since the NBA has the softest cornball commissioner there’s no punishment.

  17. DeyHayZeus

    So…essentially it costs $750k to purposely tank? Got it.

  18. shadowen1942

    While I appreciate the fact that the league’s investigation officially acknowledged what we already knew, at the end of the day it’s just a drop in the bucket and the fine has absolutely no teeth as far as deterring this sort of thing going forward.

  19. so, basically, there really is no penalty tanking and hurting the integrity of the league?

  20. Vikk_Vinegar

    Yep, and they got a bullshit fine. Cuban knew this all along. Silver has no balls. This is the reason Basketball will never be my favorite sport. Something just stinks about the NBA. Crooked refs and owners throwing games.

  21. the most blatant tank job gets a slap on the wrist. so, whats going to stop other teams in the future from this?

  22. datatadata

    Got a feeling that Silver still going to rig the lottery and make sure Cuban loses the pick lol

  23. What a lot of people seem to not be getting that makes their tanking so much more egregious than othet teams is they didn’t just sit good players before the game started siting “injury/rest” they literally pulled players who were playing well from the game while it was in progress. That isn’t just tanking it is literally game throwing, and I cant imagine the players being pulled are particularly happy about it either

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