@Los Angeles Lakers

Bro balling right now

Bro balling right now

by angryshoper


  1. Jauntcraft

    He is like a hybrid of Beasley/Walker but better.

  2. nowayermat

    Sucks that we had to let this guy go for luxury tax reasons and he only got paid 9m/yr.

  3. BrainEuphoria

    The GSW-Kings gave us exactly what we came here for which is VIOLENCE lmao

  4. LividDay7500

    Really happy for him. Really enjoyed him last year and hope he’s successful everywhere but against us.

  5. MrAppleSpoink

    Love watching him go off, he’s such a fun player

  6. Alert-Towel-263

    Hopefully we see him in the next round!

  7. poonjabipapi

    Never thought I’d root for the Queens

  8. newperson77777777

    a Lakers vs. Kings series will be so stressful to watch lol

  9. ChrisRhodes789


    If we had him..

    I think we win the division rather easily..

  10. ScheduleSensitive391

    Glad the Kings outplayed a cheap playing dirty team jfc Draymond and Klay out there playing offensive tackle

  11. skrtskerskrt

    Send their asses home! Their little ‘dynasty’ was fun while it lasted

  12. Beautiful-History-33

    Not even his fan..but happy to see him having fun and doing great

  13. Dense_Cloud1100

    Wtf is up with players leaving and then turning into great players but they can’t do that shit here!

  14. Trillman04

    Him, Stanley, and Reeves were the only bright spots from last year

  15. LeadPrevenger

    Shoutout Julius Randle and Josh Hart

  16. coolylame

    Dude gets a better whistle than LeBron

  17. Early-Candidate5492

    Reminder people in this sub early in the season said Lonnie was better.

    I maintain the same sentiment that Lonnie is the better athlete Malik is way better as a pure scorer and basketball player.

    Is there similarities in terms of the microwave scoring and the capability to go on a personal 7-0 run yes. But Malik is a better consistent shooter.

  18. jubila8t0r

    Warriors are undersized draymond and aw were switching to sabonis also lol they stopped their rhythm so much

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