@Golden State Warriors

[Kawakami] Pretty upbeat Warriors locker room postgame. Curry said they felt they met the moment on the road, just need to make a few more plays. Biggest upside: They know they’ve got Wiggins almost all the way back.

[Kawakami] Pretty upbeat Warriors locker room postgame. Curry said they felt they met the moment on the road, just need to make a few more plays. Biggest upside: They know they’ve got Wiggins almost all the way back.

by NokCha_


  1. Dynasty_30

    Hopefully we don’t come out over-confident

  2. lawgirl22

    Players not worried. Kerr not worried. I’m not worried. Wiggins was the question mark coming into this series and he answered that ? He’ll only get better as his minutes go up.

  3. CookieMonsterNova

    too many doomers. these are four time champs. it was expected the kings to come up swinging in game 1.

    the warriors didn’t get blown out in game 1 on the road. ppl also forget this is the first time in 25 games that we had any resemblance of a healthy complete line up.

    as long as it’s not 2-0 going back to chase there is nothing to worry about.

  4. shanks_you

    People just need to remember the finals last year.

  5. BadInternational8661

    Not worried. Trey lyles and monk over performed.

  6. marionettas

    Ngl hearing that Steph was head bopping during a timeout while down 2 made me feel so much better ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) Just gotta stay off r/nba for a couple of days, we’ve suddenly become public enemy #1 lol

  7. pinkiebear

    I’m sorry but the way they’ve been playing this way, aka like in the 4th, will not get them far. You can’t just spam threes all quarter and expect to win. Like… 19 threes in the 4th??

    I’m very down on this years team because this habit that they started in the regular season is rolling over into the playoffs. I believe in them if they actually play smart ball, but that’s just not what they have been doing all year.

  8. snarlindog

    I think Wiggs played great but took a few too many shots there at the end and should have either went to the hoop or dished. Also, kinda think Poole deserved to be out there

  9. _WirthsLaw_

    If the opponent is going to be in foul trouble go exploit it. The flashy 3s look nice but you gotta play this smarter if you’re going to keep advancing.

    You can’t count on shooting well every night. When it’s not working it’s not working – get to the charity stripe.

  10. EloWhisperer

    Same here. Sac barely won at home with refs help

  11. My main take away from this game is the utter and stark lack of rapists on the floor, so that’s a plus

  12. CooperHouseDeals

    If they keep losing on the road, what chances do they have against a good home team like the Kings…plus I saw stats that show refs do give home town players more whistles. Something about the crowd noise

  13. ArtfulLying

    Eh not a good sign. These dudes don’t have a consistent bone in their body this year. That was their chance to take one in their building and they blew it. Doing that again is not going to be easy so idk what they’re okay with frankly. They have no answer for Monk or Fox so yeah I guess maybe they’re celebrating an early vacation for once.

  14. LeFraudJamesSucks

    i swear if we go down 0-2 they better not say the same shit

  15. bdotrebel11

    I’m not worried as of now. Warriors could have played better, but the Kings had lots clicking their way yet they were right there. I feel like they’ll find the Kings weak spots defensively and they’ll tighten up on Fox. That said, Fox will be a pain to deal with all series

  16. osogordo

    Feeling optimistic for game 2. Let’s go!

  17. we_hella_believe

    That was a great game.

    Malik Monk had his moment. Now it’s over. Sabonis was not a factor and won’t be the entire series. Just need to key in on Fox and we’ll tear these Kings up.

    4-1 Dubs.

  18. Bobbytom

    Honestly the game was decided when curry hit a 3 to put them up by two with momentum on their side and was clearly hit in the hand/run into. It was a clear foul and honestly I don’t see no calls like that on any other superstar than Steph. Instead of an and 1 play continues and sac goes for 6 unanswered and changes the momentum swing.

    That being said, game was on the line and we had Wiggins with a wide open corner 3 to be up by two with seconds left. He unfortunately wasn’t on his best shooting night and was 1-8 from 3s. It happens, especially coming back from such a large break, you can’t expect a guy to be 100% his old self game one. Dubs still had a very good look and chance to win the game and could/should have.

    So tip your cap to sac, and see you on Monday. Dubs win then series advantage goes to us.

  19. EnterPolymath

    It’s crazy that after seeing a team loose a game, I want to put money on them taking it all…

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