@Los Angeles Lakers

Shut The HELL Up – Stephen A. destroyed Dillon Brooks after Lakers beat Grizzlies 1-0

Shut The HELL Up – Stephen A. destroyed Dillon Brooks after Lakers beat Grizzlies 1-0


  1. how was that covid you got Stephen A Smith, after getting three of the experiments that you were paid to push – remember when you attacked Kyrie for not getting the cheap injection?

  2. Even legends respect their opponents. These young guys run their mouth too much.

  3. Reminds me when Kobe had to literally play basketball with his left hand. Man kobe was just that dude…

  4. We know dam well LeBron AD Rui AR15 all them boys want to sweep this series.

  5. If Memphis exit in round 1 and brooks he trade next season maybe his name cannot heard every game.

  6. D Brooks is like a 3-year old child that one day wakes up and start thinking that they are the boss. And will chuck a tantrum to get the attention. Do I need to say more? Hahaha

  7. LeBron did Dillon brooks like 2pac once said "I'll let my lil homies handle u"😂

  8. I love watching Memphis play and I love trash talking as much as the next guy but my God they haven't won anything and still keep running off at the mouth

  9. Lmfao 6 day's ago Steven a. Was all about Memphis beating the lakers. Stick to your original choice ride that s*** out.

  10. Dillard Brooks is overrated. He’s a loudmouth. A role player at best. He’s basically a less talented Pat Bev

  11. These Grizzly boys needed to be checked. The King will puts a checkmate on y’all. 😢😢😢

  12. ESPN commercial. AD in the office getting extremely hurt over minor things.

  13. It's easy to make statements on social media but not a single game has ever been won on social media or at a microphone-YOU HAVE TO WIN ON THE COURT! If the Grizzlies keep talking, they'll have all summer to work on their game.

  14. Ja a joke! Dude said the pain is a 10 😂😂😂 every time they in trouble..he always seems to be hurt..nah he jus see & feel that Lakers too much when they get eliminated the excuse would be Ja was hurt smh

  15. When Lakers had the same excuse they ignored it. Now that the foes have the same excuse, they emphasize it. So many haters to the greatness of lbj lakers

  16. These young grizzlies are too cocky & chirping too much. Dillon & bane.. Do something 1st b4 u chirp. Careful what u wish for or u might be 🧹🧹🧹. Try to be humble. Shut up and just get it done if u can. Karma is on grizzlies 😊. Thats what happened to patbev, remember?He said they'll make sure lakers not to be in playoffs. Where's your loudmouth pat Beverly?

  17. Sometimes the ball just doesn't go in even for LeBron and other super stars I could shoot when I was younger but other times I couldn't hit nothing

  18. The problem with Stephen A. Smith is that he focuses only on the star player instead of the team, core players included, also he focuses just on the offense and nothing on defense. His comic book, super hero immaturity take on basketball is making him wrong in most of his predictions. He is just good in adding drama to the game but nothing much in terms of analysis.

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