@Golden State Warriors

Shaq on the Sabonis/Draymond incident: “I would have done the same thing. Don’t be grabbing me, because what am I gonna do? If I just try to run forward I’ll fall. You gotta get him up off you… And if you’re in the way, you might get stomped on”

Shaq on the Sabonis/Draymond incident: “I would have done the same thing. Don’t be grabbing me, because what am I gonna do? If I just try to run forward I’ll fall. You gotta get him up off you… And if you’re in the way, you might get stomped on”

by phokno


  1. ghaliboy

    More fucking people need to start coming out and saying this.

    You hit the deck like a wilting puss, you grab a dude and then when you rightly get stepped on you cry on the floor and the guy is ejected

    I’m sick of seeing this kinda garbage bringing the game down.

  2. MixMental5462

    Yea I dont think a suspensions warranted. He reacted very poorly to a technical foul. And no one got hurt.

  3. Stomper8479

    If Dray had just stepped on his chest and kept going, then there would have been no ejection and maybe no technical. Unfortunately, dray stomped on him and then jumped in the air off his chest. That was unnecessary.

    Sabonis should have been kicked out as well. Cuz what he did was dirty

  4. Dynasty_30

    The people we should actually be listening to: current and former players

    What Sabonis did was a bitch move and I hope he gets called for it

    Not condoning stomping but he had it coming. If Sabonis twisted Dray’s leg, Dray could’ve had an acl injury

    Thank you Shaq.

  5. Robotsaur

    Draymond should’ve flopped on top of Sabonis instead

  6. dubs510

    Kings fans saying he was covering his face 🤣🤣🤣

  7. figpotato

    Dray did nothing wrong. Tired of the fake fans here blaming Dray or pushing tired 2016 narratives. Sabonis was dirty and Dray lost balance.

  8. StatusDimension8

    we just gonna let Sabonis flail to the ground and grab dray’s leg lmao…no one was pushing him an he just flats out falls to the ground…dude was flopping all game…

  9. Unrecognizedman

    It’s a fast break and dray gotta run back on offense, he has no time to be bitching around at the ground with sabonis

  10. This is the second time Sabonis takes Draymond down with him. People acting like Sabonis isn’t a dirty player.

  11. Scorecard2721

    Sabonis is the biggest player on the floor and Klay does a normal box out on him. Yet he jerks his head back like he was hit by a sniper to pretend that Klay shoved him to try to sell a call, and falls away from Klay recklessly into Draymond’s knee and lower leg. This is a dangerous play (similar to when Zaza fell backward into Durant’s knee when it was planted), and could have had a far worse outcome. You can see Draymond’s knee buckle some from the overhead angle. Sabonis then compounds the action by grabbing Draymond’s right foot and ankle, leading to the stomp. Sabonis also curls his knees around Dray’s left foot which nearly makes him fall because he is pulling on the right simultaneously. Then Sabonis writhes around on the ground for minutes to make sure the ejection seems warranted.

    Sabonis should have been charged with a flagrant 1 for unnecessary contact (that would not have occurred had he not flopped dangerously). The Dubs went from having possession on a fast break to only getting 1 shot for a technical, and the Kings were given 2 shots and the ball. But more importantly, Dubs lose their best defender for over half of the 4th quarter, so Sabonis gets fully rewarded for flopping.

    And Mike Brown is also suggesting that Draymond get suspended for the next game. The Kings have played well and made big shots, but flopping and trying to fool the refs is the worst part of NBA basketball.

  12. Wesley_Cao

    ANOTHER NBA player stood up. Love to see it.

  13. Jhud1318

    Kinda funny how that sub reacted differently when the Jokic-Morris feud happened

  14. lMarshl

    Draymond got hit with his own tactics and fell for it. That’s all that happened. Draymond does this too and gets players heated enough to retaliate. Draymond just fell for his own medicine

  15. WrastleGuy

    And you might get suspended.

    Sabonis took advantage of Draymond’s history. He has to be smarter and not wrestle in the mud.

  16. billymartinkicksdirt

    Dray just did too much wind up and waited too long.

    The game plan was to abuse Sabonis physically. That put Loon in foul trouble and took him out.

  17. wolfishnickelsyr

    Sabonis is a dirty fuck. But refs base their decisions on the “player” instead of the play now🤷‍♂️

  18. Sweepy_time

    Oh, Shaq said it was ok so that means what? He still might get suspended for falling for the bait, he has a history of stupid shenanigans. Keep defending him though

  19. DeepFizz

    Sabonis baited Draymond and he bit. He should know better but it is what it is. End of story. Moving on. Let’s do everything to win these next two. If we hear “light the beam” in Chase, as defending champs, as a dynasty, it’s humiliating and the worst possible feeling. It means the NBA will remove our dynasty status. It means this whole thing we have had for 7 years is OVER. I now have LTB PTSD. Just win and stop humiliating us as fans Warriors.

  20. benngold123

    Rationalizing stomping on a person’s chest is a rather unpleasant thing to do

  21. Then he would’ve also gotten suspended too lmfao what do you guys think this proves?

  22. perhizzle

    Kind of surprised to see almost all of the comments saying this was ok or even the right thing to do. Fucking wild.

  23. Crypto_Ninjaaa

    If Green was as smart as Sabonis, he would have fallen over. Sabonis would have gotten a Flagrant 1 or 2 for tripping, we get a FT and the ball.

    One decision could have flipped the entire situation. Now, he has to do damage control, potentially suspended, and have even less leverage in contract negotiations.

  24. EBT_Monkey

    I’ve watched the replay about 20 times. The most dangerous part was when Sabonis tried to draw a foul on Klay by flopping. Sabonis let himself fall to the floor into people’s legs. That could’ve been a super dangerous play. Seen so many injuries by players falling into the legs of others.

  25. InevitableBudget510

    You damm well know chuck would have swung back in his prime

  26. mostdope92

    Except he didn’t grab Dray.

    When you’re falling to the ground, you’re probably gonna protect your head yeah? Watch the replay, that’s what happens. Also, just fall and you likely get the call.

  27. supernova69

    Man, I hate that I share ties to the niners with people defending this

  28. TheKonyInTheRye

    If you take someone’s ability to step away, and you’re actually laying under the person’s foot, what the hell are you supposed to do? At that point, you have to assume you’re going to get stepped on. Basketball play? no. *Flagrant 2? absolutely not.*

  29. Perefin

    Exactly right. This sh*t is racist. Draymond did the only thing he should have done: protect himself from a dirty player making a dirty move to injure him, because the refs didn’t give a crap about him, only mister whitey dirt bag.

  30. Jazzbo64

    “You might get stomped on.”
    And you might get thrown out of the game.

  31. wats_kraken5555

    I don’t think people realize how different and more dangerous a fall is if your legs are stuck in place. Dude could’ve easily broken a wrist or something if he didn’t jump out of it.

  32. ChimkenNumggets

    Lmao Sabonis flopped but his argument of “I was trying to protect my head” looks a lot more plausible than Draymond’s “I had nowhere to step except his stomach”. This mf really getting an X-ray on his ankle too just to drive the point home. You guys have had almost constant success for close to a decade, sometimes it’s better to take the L and move on.

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