@National Basketball Association

Sabonis was absolutely justified in protecting his face when he fell down. Draymond kicked a player in the head just 7 games ago.

Since mods randomly removed my previous clip, here is the link to the incident here: [](

As you can see, Draymond deliberately kicks Herb Jones in the head and gets off scot-free by the refs. Sabonis is absolutely justified in trying to protect his face from a player who literally has a very recent history of kicking players in the face.

by Infinite_Response113


  1. JasonKelceStan

    People saying Sabonis grabbed his ankle are weirdos

  2. Total_Customer_6627

    Draymond and Gobert are competing for the “NBA All MMA team.”

  3. shittydotamorph

    Yeh but did sabonis protect his head 7 games ago?

  4. itzjustIvan

    People who are defending Draymond are something else

  5. N3110H_5555

    The fact that people in this sub keep grasping at straws to defend Draymond Green is disgusting. This was 100% done on purpose

  6. pinkshoesarecool

    Please post this on the warriors sub lmfao

  7. Thisisgoingtopainz

    It’s crazy that we are having discussions about this. Not even a gsw hater but suspend that at least 1 game such a bad look to the league.

  8. ShampooMonK

    I’ve been watching the NBA for quite some time. I love tough teams that play defense and rattle your head with mind games like the Jail Blazers, Grizzlies, 90’s Knicks.

    So that means I love Smart, Rondo, KG, Artest, Rodman, and Dillion Brooks/Pat Bev.

    Deep down inside of me, I seriously hate Draymond Green. As a huge proponent of being a fan of defensive top tier skill, Draymond is up there, but not only is he literally a huge piece of shit but he’s one of the most dirtiest I’ve ever seen. Not to mention because of the team he plays on, refs swallow their whistle and they allow him time and time again to hurt other people with non-basketball plays.

    Not only does he get more aggressive whenever he’s losing, but he agitates crowds, and he feeds into their energy with full frontal excessiveness. He doesn’t even try to act as if he isn’t an asshole, he has crossed the line so many times. From trucking my Celtics players on illegal moving screens, throwing Smart from a tough screen, trying to yank out Tatum’s shoulder in the Finals, to nut kicking Adams, and several other disgusting incidents, this guy should be suspended endlessly his egregious actions/behaviors.

    But they won’t. It somehow amazes the NBA somehow is so lenient with a player who’s no longer a star but a role player.

    May the Kings sweep GSW in 4 as they proceed to light the beam.

  9. tigerpawn

    Doubt he was thinking about what happened to Herb Jones 2 weeks ago. Just was a natural flex while falling backwards to protect the head.

  10. brown_lal19

    This is just part of the drey experience

  11. fawkesmulder

    Draymond’s stomp on sabonis was clearly intentional but I can’t get behind saying this clip is deliberate. There’s no evidence of that.

    But agree sabonis looked like he was covering up and not trying to trip an ankle.

  12. Safe_Caterpillar7521

    What’s strange to me is that if Draymond had just let himself fall down and acted like he got tripped he could have just gotten Sabonis a technical. Instead he decided to PUT FORCE INTO STOMPING he intentionally decided to take that as an opportunity to hurt Sabonis.

    It’s anti gamesmanship. He hurt his team because he couldn’t control himself.

  13. durklil

    This is a reach.

    Draymond is dirty as fuck and should be suspended a game but this clip right here when he “deliberately kicks” Herb he was looking up at the ball/rim. He didn’t look down, see him, and attempt to penalty kick his dome into the nether realm.

  14. sreynolds1

    God I hate how fucking fake his motions are. How he drapes his legs over everyone well after the momentum has stopped. It’s so extra and so fake.

  15. huangw15

    Draymond deserves the suspension. But Sabonis deserves the tech, it doesn’t matter what his intentions were, and I do believe he was just instinctively protecting his head, but he did “hug” Draymond’s leg. This is what makes the stomp more stupid, just flop and roll around, and it’s free technical FTs.

  16. rmccarthy10

    Draymond can’t control his impulses…in games or practice.

    The front office needs to let him know he is not bigger than the league

  17. EagleOfDeathMetal

    On any physical contact Dray’s always acting like he has 0 control over his own body and strangely ends up hitting his opponents in the worst possible way. This dude would be worse than Laimbeer if the refereeing was as permissive as in the 80s. He’s an absolute piece of shit.

  18. burner_for_celtics

    I wish folks would accept that two things can be true at the same time

    1. nobody deserves to get stomped in the gut. The stomper is wrong.

    2. Sabonis is absolutely fucking around

  19. Dawn_of_Dayne

    The weirdest thing is that even if we believed Draymond’s “I’m not flexible enough to step over him” then that doesn’t explain the stomp. Had he just normally put his foot down it would be a lot different (although his rep would still not help him) but then fact that he stomped makes it CLEAR he knew where his foot was landing and what he was doing.

  20. halfdecenttakes

    This is so stupid lol. What Draymond did in reaction to that was absolutely wrong. He deserved the ejection. If they suspend him, oh well. Any other time Dray did something dirty, it was dirty. That being said: I don’t know if you have never played basketball at a competitive level in your life or if you just hate all things Draymond, but what Sabonis did is a dirty fucking play.

    Listen to Shaq. Listen to Dame. Listen to JJ Redick. Listen to somebody that knows what the fuck they are talking about and they will tell you what Sabonis did is unacceptable. Protecting your face is fine. Holding somebodies leg to take them out of the play is a dirty play. He may not have gone to the ground with the intention of grabbing a leg, but once he had it, he was happy to gain an edge and try to slow Draymond from getting back into the play. It isn’t even the first time in this series Sabonis has held Draymond’s leg to keep him out of a play.

    The play isn’t acceptable. There is a reason he was T’d up. Please for one second remove yourself from the Draymond circlejerk to understand that just because Draymond’s response was massively fucked up, does NOT mean that it wasn’t a dirty play. It is. It always has been. This isn’t a one time thing as he has been doing it. It should stop before somebody gets hurt, and YES, what Draymond does should stop too.

    Two wrongs don’t make a right, but a wrong coming in response to a wrong, doesn’t make the first wrong right.

    Yall are making complete asses of yourselves trying to excuse a dirty ass play like that because you can’t get over your dislike of Draymond. Fuck Draymond, but also Fuck Sabonis. He is going to hurt somebody doing that shit, and right now about 29 fan bases aren’t going to have any right to shit talk it when it happens to their player.

  21. K3TtLek0Rn

    If this shit happened once you’d be like okay well that was weird but likely accidental but it happens constantly with him. Seems like almost every game there’s something. Dude is just dangerous and a dick

  22. Southern_Walk679

    Nah, Domas did grab his leg with both arms. The angle from Green back shows this clearly.
    This was a dirry play by Sabonis.

    Stomping is still not justified, tho. But sabonis wasn’t “protecting himself ” either.
    The result of a tech & a F2 was correct.

  23. BodybuilderRough7614

    I also accidentally grab a size 15 shoe when protecting myself. He knew he grabbed it. Draymond over reacted.

  24. darkwombat45

    Ive watched it many times and I am convinced Sabonis was bracing to protect himself with his hands, and when he did that the ankles were right there.

  25. stewmander

    The NBA is not going to suspend Draymond. They want the views, drama, extended series and above all, the money.

    They have all the talking heads spewing the commissioners message: the games were physical, look at how steph was bear hugged off ball all game, sabonis initiated it, the fans want a return to the old school physical style of basketball…

    They are full press gaslighting. Silver doesn’t care about player safety or the game of basketball, only money. If GS was up 2-0 he’d suspend Draymond to extend the series, just like they did in 2016 Finals.

  26. kinda a tangent but in the clip you linked, Looney pre-emptively started holding Herb back bc he knew Draymond was being an idiot again. Draymond is a POS but Looney really is a good teammate, for both teams lol

  27. dautjazz

    Oh but Green isn’t very flexible, he couldn’t avoid any thoese kicks and falling all over the player

  28. trueNacccho

    If theres anybody siding with Dray, you should seek professional help dude.

  29. anthonypacitti

    Is anything ever going to happen to this guy? He kicks Steven Adams right where the sun don’t shine, stomps on a the chest of a guy laying on the ground, kicks someone in the face, and even punches his own teammate? How do the warriors not take action on this guy? How is all of this getting by, draymond really isnt that valuable.

  30. cwesttheperson

    Anyone trying to justify dray stomping or saying Sabonis was being malicious is crazy at this point.

  31. waffle-winner

    Anyone is justified in trying to protect themselves, provided they don’t endanger others when doing so. Sabonis did nothing wrong and draymond is a piece of shit.

  32. dBlock845

    Wasn’t there another one a few games ago where Draymond did a mule kick as the person underneath him was trying to stand up?

  33. Standard-Inflation10

    This guy is a massive POS and I’ve started to dislike Klay and the rest of the Warriors because they keep defending and justifying his bullshit.

    I mean he knocked out a teammate in practice and no one on the team had the balls to hold him accountable?

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