@Golden State Warriors

Steve Kerr Postgame Interview | Golden State Warriors lose to Sacramento Kings 114-106

Steve Kerr Postgame Interview | Golden State Warriors lose to Sacramento Kings 114-106


  1. Soon as the warriors start to rebuild, this bandwagon coach will retire. Guaranteed. With two years he will be calling games for TNT


  3. See, Euchre is a good coach, but not a great coach, because all these years that he have had the warriors, he never implemented defense, they always had a fence, but they don't really have defense, they tried to outscore you, but if you keep the game close, you could probably beat them and he's not ready. You're good defensive, coach.

  4. The dynasty is over. The Warriors lack size, experience, and depth. Curry, Green, and Poole are turnover machines. The rest of the team plays sloppy as hell. They should start packing their bags b/c they are going fishing in Cancun very soon.

  5. KERR CAN'T COACH! Proven time and again, he wins by having Curry Jack up 3s and no defense.

  6. Of course physical, just lay the body on the dribbling arm. Reminded me of watching 6grade basketball to kids forcing body on the other kids to prevent them from dribbling . Smh

  7. The likes of Otto, Bjelica, Tuscano, and Lee know the warriors system well. Unlike, the young guns they have right now who are still grasping at straws.

  8. Everybody in the Warriors camp and among the fans so happy to be the 6th seed and play the kings, maybe after all it wasn't a great matchup for a sh*t defensive team and awful on the road, to play the best offensive team in the league with the best home record…

  9. 4 brooms is ready. 4 games in post season and the end of your career as a warriors. Take lazy klay with you.

  10. I'm a kings fan
    Kings fans need to stop being a$$ holes.
    Warriora are still a great team and have never been duches to the king's org. Let's give them the respect they EARNED. They can still make this a 2-2 series.
    Kings have played well, but let's not become like Laker fans (stupid assholes)

  11. Your proud cause your team didn’t get run out of the building?? Bravo Steve. Round of applause for this brilliant coach 👏🏽👏🏽. We deserve better basketball from this squad period!

  12. Kerr is in denial. He was interviewed in the 2nd quarter and he was asked the questing "What is planning to do to clean up the turn overs?" His answer was "I am not worried about turn overs"

    I was thinking, how can you not worry about the turn overs when your team started Game 1 and Game 2 with turnovers, and you have double digit turn overs, and the Kings are getting buckets ouy of your turn overs

    No wonder you are not dealing with that because you are not worried about it when you should…

  13. no sweat shot for Kings, GS was uncoached in terms of defense or would i say Kings is more quicker than GS 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  14. This message is for Steve Kerr.

    Kerr's ego needs to be reined in, and he needs to change the game plan. Kerr always relies on pick and roll, but it's not working because the opponent, knows how to defend it. Instead, the team should try going to the post to find mismatches. Let Kuminga and Wiggins be aggressive in the post, and then Sacramento won't be able to leave shooters open, making it a one-on-one situation. Skill-wise, Kuminga can be very dangerous in the post, as well as Wiggins. Utilize them, Kerr, and don't stick to your old game plan.

  15. Kerr knows his team is cooked. Warriors may win their home games but incapable of winning in Sactown

  16. Getting outcoached badly as he has all year long..Kerr hasn't a clue..No in game adjustments, bad rotations, no trust in the bench, never sees enough to challenge, and zero ability to stem a horrific season long turnover and foul problem..Time to retire..Lacob needs to blow it up..

  17. Time for Kerr to move up to the front office. He’s so passive and predictable. The Bay Area media are such enablers. The whole season makes me sick to be a Warriors fan.

  18. They are a younger version of the warriors and we should stop trying to run with them they are younger and it shows and the disappearing of pool and others is killing us

  19. Kerr is pathetic. I respect his resume but do not like his coaching style…..It shows in his teams careless countless turnovers. No fire, no passion

  20. Sorry for the book I wrote but I need to rant after 18 years of being a warrior fan…we seen a lot of abandonment issues towards Steph Curry this season and yea I know they’re a team but this is STEPH CURRY’s team. He’s always been the only consistent one and the only one with no ego, while everyone else is too focused in their own egotistical ways. So yes this is all about Curry in my eyes…

    Let’s start with Dray and Poole’s egos in the beginning of the season causing tension with their back and fourth drama. Then Poole sticking to one play style and not learning from his mistakes really hurts us to the point we can’t even trust his sweaty palms out there in intense playoff road games when we need him since he’s our 3rd leading scorer. His immaturity been a problem this season. Several times this season we seen him laughing and dancing in the clutch only to turn the ball over to lose us games. Last night he was on the bench laughing and clowning Sabonis for missing a technical free throw when we were getting ready to lose the game…his big contract really got to his head..Wiggs got a big contact then abandoned Steph at the end of the season which I understand due to his father but the fact he came back to the city and still sat out the last few games when he could of got his legs under him before playoffs and probably could of won one of these games…Dray talking about max money, Klay talking about max money when we’re not even finished with this season is disgusting to me cuz Steph never moved like that EVER..he always waited til the time came, these dudes worried if they’ll get it or not…KERR, abandoned Steph this season by running the same bs offense and trusting the ball in Poole’s hands more than Steph’s 😂😂same motion offense that looks dry af when teams switch always leaving someone to have to shoot a contested 3…Kerr been watching his team play sloppy for years turning the ball over and he still can’t get them to not play lazy😂nobody listens to Steve anymore I bet they wouldn’t turn it over with Mark Jackson as coach Steve don’t have the spirit to move his players to the point they listen to him and try their hardest to obey him…they don’t care what he says anymore it’s old to them🤷🏽‍♂️oh and last but not least BOB MYERS aka Michael Myers …abandoned Steph and Looney by watching Kevon get brutalized in the paint by bigger centers he’s been watching it happen since last season but was too hard headed to get a Dwight Howard or Boogie Cousins…fckin terrorist

  21. Kerr is such a coward. He never saw it. Never watched the replay. Never watched the replay before meeting the press corps. Ok buddy.

  22. Steve Kerr needs to do better smfh give klay more screen,play poole less until he finds riddim give kuminga more mins damn kerr it's making alot of simple mistakes all season ….put the ball in curry hands more often in the 4th jeez am upset at Steve Kerr plzz do a better job

  23. Mike Brown's vacuum was never filled.. GSW offense is trashy.. they need to do proper hiring this coming off season

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