@Golden State Warriors

Draymond Suspended for Game 3

Per Shams

by hlysht035


  1. VilyaNenyaNarya

    This dude is such an embarrassment if the dubs lose game 3.

  2. I take it all back new shams picture is ugly

  3. Free_Plum_007

    Downvote me all you want but The Stomp was too aggressive to go unpunished.


    Yikes. If this series somehow gets close but they end up losing then maybe it’s time to reconsider trading Dray..

  5. bhavesh47135

    stomping on someone in the playoffs and punching a teammate in the same season..and this guy wants a max?

  6. BobRoss4Life

    It is what it is. Hard to argue it’s not deserved, especially with them factoring in history.

    Draymond really put the Dubs in a hole, must win game that’s become much more difficult. I’d be heated if I was Steph, Loon, Kerr, petty much anyone on the roster.

    He played himself and fucked the team in the process, though he’s done that a couple times throughout his Warriors tenure (including earlier in October). Dumb, reckless, and some self-absorbed bullshit.

    He’s obviously been a key part of this 8+ year run, and they’ve very obviously benefited from his playstyle and overall mentality, but man… Draymond. Hell of a way to potentially wrap up this current iteration of the “dynasty run.”

  7. BelleIce

    This is bullshit but Draymond constantly puts himself in these positions so you can’t blame anybody but him. Tanked the season with the Poole punch and ends the season getting suspended.

    Free agency will be very interesting, you get the sense that the front office, players and coaches are sick and tired of his bullshit.

  8. DwyaneSteph

    Grown man supposed to be the “leader” of the team and gets baited in a playoff game LOL idk how any of y’all still ride for him. A literal manchild

  9. mcnullt

    Time for a game 6 Klay or MVP Steph game.

    Going to need way more offense to counter Dray’s absence on the defensive end

  10. Queenprinn

    BRUHHHHHH this playoffs is already so horrible

  11. TheRealSlumShedy

    The fact that it’s Joe Dumars (Draymond’s mentor) that made the final call to suspend him is even worse 😭

  12. Wait what? I swear I just read earlier today he WASN’T being suspended for game 3? Wtf happened?

  13. AnAppariti0n

    Dray really went out of his way to fuck the team at the most important time with that one

  14. FajitaSlinger

    Every single year in the playoffs we are talking about something dumb he does. EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. It cost the warriors one title already. Now he may have cost them an early exit this year.

  15. csaan18

    We’re getting cooked if JMG or kuminga don’t step up

  16. BeetLover1111

    Steph and Klay are about to be fired up

  17. Aintnostoppingusnow

    Him running around yelling at the audience like a damn fool is what sealed it. Once again his tantrums cost the rest of his team. God dammit

  18. HotspurJr

    Been a Warrior fan for over 30 years.

    Think Draymond might be the GOAT defender.

    And can I say I’m kind of sick of his shit?

  19. ianduude

    If only Draymond was as much of a Steph stan as Iguodala is. If he was, I guarantee he wouldn’t be this much of an idiot and constantly let down one of his teammates responsible for so much of his success.

  20. wwaffles

    The fact that Joe Dumars made the final decision makes it even worse. They’re clearly trying to send a message. I know I’ll get downvoted into oblivion, but I’m just tired of this. He started the season by punching a teammate. His defense is legendary, but he’s exhausting tbh.

  21. bluejolllyrancher

    am i the only one who thinks draymond tried to not stomp on him? the way he hops to me is because he couldn’t set his weight. meaning he wasn’t laying all his weight on sabonis or he would’ve pushed off of him and not that weird air hop thingy he did.

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