@National Basketball Association

Ramona Shelburne says on ESPN that the Warriors are furious about the suspension. Per a team source, “We are livid regarding this decision” Woj says that the Warriors didn’t agree & were surprised by it

Ramona Shelburne says on ESPN that the Warriors are furious about the suspension. Per a team source, “We are livid regarding this decision” Woj says that the Warriors didn’t agree & were surprised by it

by 2789334


  1. thy_armageddon

    Basketball’s bitchiest dynasty.

  2. Rologames

    Breaking news: Team that player plays for doesn’t want player suspended

  3. It’s okay I’d be mad too if i had to put up with Draymond

  4. dusters

    I’m furious the Warriors are such bitches

  5. Niceguydan8

    Then hold the player accountable.

    It was 100% preventable.

  6. Total_Customer_6627

    Lol be fucking mad.

    Maybe this teaches Dray and the Warriors a lesson.

  7. this_my_sportsreddit

    Draymond has been continuously empowered by Kerr and coaching staff to not change. This is on them. Dude will always choose his ego over the team.

  8. _R_A_W_

    Stomping someone’s chest does not count as breaking the code, guys!

  9. _Zap_Rowsdower_

    What can you say, Draymond broke the code.

  10. financial_goth

    Who gives a fuck?

    Be mad. Go cry. Nobody cares.

  11. SoulReaper12

    Yeah just like they was more mad at the video of Poole getting leaked, more then the punch itself. They never hold Draymond accountable, it’s always someone else fault.

  12. filmawang

    Is Draymond going to play game 3?

    E40: Nope.

  13. Just_trying444

    Maybe he should just stop being so violent. The guy is assaulted multiple people this season and if he was just an average citizen he be in jail. I’m just saying he’s dirty as hell and he should be suspended for half the season truthfully

  14. goldspikesv7

    Such a comically bad look

    He just fuckin assaulted a guy and you’re mad he’s being punished lmao… embarrassing.

  15. LukaDoncicfuturegoat

    Lol, and here I’m thinking the suspension was light. Dray should have been suspended two games at least. Three games was fair imo. But then again in a team with Klay and Kerr, I’m not surprised by this new. Delusional like most of their fanbase af.

  16. The_Aught

    Sources say, Sabonis furious about getting stomped like a Koopa

  17. cough_landing_on_you

    Warriors still furious someone leak the punch video.

  18. lebron_games

    Not surprised since this is the same organization who fined him a measly 50k for falcon punching his teammate in the face

  19. Pascalicious

    It’s amazing how much goodwill both the team and Draymond could have bought if they just acknowledged he fucked up. Like it’s wild. He didn’t even have to apologize just say he knows he lost his cool

  20. Knickstape08

    Well since they didn’t suspend him for punching his own teammate in the face I’m not surprised they are upset. Seems to them they think their players are above the law.

  21. SliMShady55222

    Seems typical for a franchise who didn’t punish Draymond until AFTER the Poole punch video was leaked. Then they were more mad that there is someone leaking the video than the actual incident itself

  22. LaserSh0w

    I wonder how mad they’d be if someone had stomped Steph’s sternum and *not* been suspended

    The holier than thou bullshit has reached a new level

  23. Mysterious-Meat810

    They should be happy it was only 1 game.

  24. Draymond acting a fool inciting fans during the review and nobody dared to check him. Kerr, Curry, Iggy, Klay didn’t have the balls to tell him to pipe down and lock in.

  25. KemoFlash

    Draymond was CELEBRATING and y’all were DAPPING HIM UP and CLAPPING when Sabonis was writhing on the ground and *now* they’re upset? Biggest bitches in the league.

  26. abris33

    Then don’t employ and encourage a dumbass that tries to injure guys every playoff series

  27. Kashmir33

    I am certainly enjoying this whole saga.

  28. hunterwolves18

    Ngl, i thought he’ll get suspended for more than a game

  29. fig_benis

    Who knew The Warriors’ start of the season and might be the end of their season will be revolving with Draymond Green’s actions?

  30. LimitlessTheTVShow

    “He’s never been held accountable for his actions before, why would you start now?”

  31. Organic_Climate_7585

    Should be furious at Draymond for putting himself in that position then.

  32. Otherwise_Form1315

    Man the warriors really do feel like the most political team in the league. Doing the “broke the code” bullshit last year. they’re most likely to use the media in ways other teams won’t. least likely to discipline their players if it’s inconvenient.

    Dude stomped on a dude. Dude has a famous history.

  33. Organic_Climate_7585

    How are this guy’s teammates not tired of him constantly sabotaging them?

  34. Mountain_Affect3782

    The Warriors have coddled his abhorrent behavior for almost a decade. They deserve it.

  35. life_is_a_burner

    They should be happy. They now have a built in excuse for getting bounced in the first round when it was probably going to happen anyways.

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