@Sacramento Kings

Jamal Crawford Explains Why Draymond Really Got Suspended

In this clip, Jamal Crawford explains why Draymond Green got suspended from Game 3 of The Golden State Warriors vs. The Sacramento Kings.

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  1. Draymond acts like he’s above the rules and does shitty things constantly. This is a dude that punched his own teammate, so to act like he doesn’t have a history of being a lose canon is just crazy

  2. The Warriors coaches and players act like they can’t just simply say “Calm down a lil bit”…. I think the Warriors win game 3 though

  3. I love people bring up why x player shouldn’t be suspended because the game is really important. Who cares? It shouldn’t be up to the league to be more lenient. Draymond Green NEEDED to be smarter in that moment and he wasn’t. It’s not the league’s fault he stomped on another player. It’s Green’s and we need to start holding him accountable instead of enabling him because it’s clear he hasn’t learned from his past mistakes.

  4. He was begging for a suspension when he interacted with the crowd. The league doesn't like being shown up.

  5. Never realized how bright Jamal Crawford is. He's one of those players I feel completely deserves a spot as an analyst in the future.

  6. Absolute clown takes. He used all of his weight to stomp on a player's chest and then jumped off said player. The moron deserved more than a 1 game suspension

  7. I find it weird that everyone keeps bringing up him grabbing his foot. Like, its something I think you see a lot of: a player falls on the ground and grabs the players around him so they don't step on them in the action. I don't really even see it as that bad of a thing, it feels disingenuous for people to act like its some sort of weird gamesmanship thing when its like as much gamesmanship as just giving someone a bit of extra elbow as you back them down, its like barely a thing. Not even close to a justification for stepping on someone.

  8. I’m with Jamal on this one.

    I still think the stomp is 50/50, bro used Sabonis as a trampoline, but his reputation and his actions afterwards are what actually got him the suspension. Which I agree with 🤷‍♂️

  9. I hope Draymond suffers from a career ending injury during the playoffs the guy is scum.

  10. Wow. Mike brown probably did want to bait draymond. Def was on there agenda. The mind games go crazy! Deeper then basketball.

  11. He called Draymond a genius!? 🤣
    The guy is a egotistical prima donna clown!

  12. It's very obvious that you are upset because your 'buddy' got suspended. The problem is that most media looks at Draymond as a friend and a colleague because they know him personally and work with him, and he gives them access and clicks. Plus they legitimately like the guy. I like Draymond too off the court, but can't stand him on it, and he gets away with much more than anyone else. Draymond 100% deserved the suspension, end of story.

  13. The Kings aren't really young. They have a lot of veterans with some playoff experience. It is not like the Warriors Celtics Lakers and Heat but they have experience.

  14. Draymond is finally held accountable again and people are losing their minds. The people excusing his stomping being a reaction to Sabonis “holding” are obviously as delusional as Draymond. He cemented the suspension by acting like a literal jackass too. His teammates have to be pissed, especially considering the stakes. Enjoy the game from home guy.

  15. Never heard Jamal before. I enjoyed listening to him. He could make a great commentator on a sports channel.

  16. I love listening to Jamal and JJ talking hoop. Two ballers taking about the craft! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🦾🦾🦾👌

  17. The narrative manufacturing of "buh buh buh Sabonis grabbed his leg" so quickly and unified among the sports media should enlighten more people to the fact that the corporate media is the enemy of the people.

    This is a good non-political example for people to learn from. It's all topdown narrative enforcement. What you're supposed to think and what you're not allowed to ask. JJ is just a tiny, speck-sized part of a large, faltering machine that hates you.

    And it falters because the public can do things like go back through video easily available online, finding Draymond grabbing people's legs, other players getting their legs grabbed, on numerous occasions, and no incident like this occurring because of it.

  18. I feel like he should’ve been suspended either way, bro blantany looked down and stomped on him aggressively with no remorse. Especially since I don’t even consider the “leg grab” much of anything, I don’t excuse him for it, but it was super light to me. There’s a case to be made that he didn’t even intentionally grab his leg. I’ll admit that maybe I’m biased because I don’t even like Draymond, but I don’t think it’s bias at the root of my opinion here.

  19. If I’m a warriors player I ain’t telling Draymond to chill out lol I don’t wanna get KO’d in the middle of the court or national tv😂😂😂

  20. I know that sports are a little different than real life, but stomping on someone's chest is assault. In this case, it wasn't even remotely justifiable. Even in an actual street fight, one in which you are defending yourself from an aggressor, you would be hard pressed to make a justifiable argument as to why you stomped on someone, and may find yourself arrested if law enforcement is involved. Stomps and kicks to people who are prone is extremely dangerous. Yes, Draymond should have been suspended

  21. I think the suspension is warranted. Not because of his history. His reaction, was an over-reaction. Think about how we see the kids today so disconnected from what actual basketball is. He is father and ironically a role model. How you carry yourself is important. I'm sick of hearing its the playoffs. He had a choice and he made it. Life has consequences. Stop making excuses as to when and why the rules are debatable. You have to do better, be better. Morality has gone out the window these days

  22. A team's season shouldn't be ruined by a suspension. If he was suspended it should have been for a game next season.

  23. They suspended Dillon Brooks a game for “breaking the code” on Gary Payton II. Nobody cared he got suspended because it was Dillion Brooks 😂 The NBA is handling this the same way

  24. I am really tired of the "if there's no action there's no reaction" comment. It doesn't give you freedom to respond however you feel. If I say someone smells and they stab me. That doesn't make the stabbing okay. Well, he said something not nice so I had to stab him. What? There are people on the floor who's job is to defuse the action. Instead of stomping on Sabonis, maybe motion to the ref that he's grabbing your leg. Now you get free throws and likely possession of the ball and you can keep playing. I dunno, just tired of people defending Draymond when it makes little to no sense.

  25. It reminded me a lot of malice in the palace. I know several people that hate draymond so much they would’ve thrown a beer at him if they were in that situation. Luckily
    they are too broke to sit that close to the bench 😂

  26. Green definitely deserved a 1 game suspension. He got ejected in the 4th quarter and the Kings were in clear command of the game. Game was pretty much decided and the ejection wouldn't change the outcome of anything. Players can't be allowed to make acts that are clearly malicious or trying to hurt other players. And the way Draymond behaved, he doesn't care if he injures someone and acts out when his team isn't winning. I really hope no team is dumb enough to max him up

  27. Why does anything that resembles a punch warrant an automatic suspension, but a stomp to the chest doesn’t?!

  28. At the end of the Day it doesn't happen if his leg doesn't get grabbed , the fact he was yelling at the crowd cursing, and his past actions led to the 1 game suspension

  29. Yes it was a reaction but so what? Its like someone punched u in the arm so u try and remove their eye, its not the same level.
    Some ppl say sabonis went to grab his head cuz he fell on it, which could be the case. But to be fair to draymond, no one can realize that in real time and not think "this mfer is grabbing my foot". However, he still shouldve never stomped on the dude regardless. Like thats just beyond dumb.
    As for his antics afterwards, well, thats just idiocy personified. But that should not be why he got suspended.
    If sabonis punched him and he simply returned in kind, id still say it was stupid and unnecessary, but at least then theres maybe an argument to be made that he shouldnt get suspended. But to full on stomp on a guy cuz he grabbed ur foot? Come on now. And im saying this as a warriors fan who wants the dubs to win.
    But id never say he shouldnt get suspended for sth so dangerous. I mean if one of our players grabbed a kings players foot (on purpose or not) and got stomped on in return, id be pissed as hell if he didnt get suspended, even if he did act like an angel afterwards.

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