@Brooklyn Nets

Join in the fun, friends.

Join in the fun, friends.

by Halgardner


  1. jimmyhota

    I really wanted that one, every time we play Embiid in the playoffs it makes me irrationally angry. Dude’s demeanor is just fucking juvenile and he’s always taking cheap shots, flopping, and acting like a dick. Super unlikable player

  2. RiseofParallax

    Everything about Philly is unlikeable:

    – Fans are classless
    – Players will target your dick + flop all game
    – Gifted 5 top 3 lotto picks since 2010
    – Similar with Boston, they were able to successfully scam us on a trade

    Tbh after the Knicks they have got to be our biggest rivals. We just have to actually beat them in a playoff series for it to be acknowledged.

  3. Efficient_Demand_795

    Im honestly so sick of watching this team. Nothing but pain and suffering. Anytime it looks like we have a chance to do something to even put a smile on everyones face disaster follows. From the injuries in 2021, to the drama this season to this game it’s just mentally taxing. Im taking a very large break from brooklyn nets basketball. Im honestly sick of even thinking about this team

  4. qwertyos

    I jumped up real fast after Embiid kick Claxton in the nuts and I stubbed my toe on the coffee table. That shit hurted.

  5. sabascastellon

    Watching the clippers suns game. Why didn’t we go after plumlee would’ve made a big difference in our series. Fing Marks. Or bones too wasn’t he just given away by Denver.

  6. dlamptey103

    We weren’t even supposed to make the playoffs. We are a team just thrown together after several trades. We’re playing with house money. However i was reaalllly hoping to pull this game out but once clax got ejected, something told me we were gonna lose

  7. TheMoorNextDoor

    Harden ejected.

    Embiid scoring less than 20 points.

    Still losing games lmao

    Coaching trash, won’t utilize player’s correctly.

    Players making AAU type of mistakes.

    It’s painfully evident we wouldn’t be in the playoffs if we had this same squad in the beginning of the season.

    Kyrie is an asshole but he was right they (KD/Kyrie) left us in a good position (4th place) and we barely hung onto 6th place.

    Please fire Vaughn over the summer so we can really start a new, some of our assistant coaches look like they up out of here anyway.

  8. Fret_Shredder

    I was in high school when Kidd Carter and RJ had us close to rings. I knew we had no chance vs Kobe and Shaq or Duncan/Spurs. I now have grey hairs, am a father, and I’ve seen some shitty teams. KD was my favorite player before becoming a Net since I watched him at Texas, so him joining was a dream that turned into a nightmare. The toe makes me sick. I have a signed Nets KD jersey framed on my office wall and it’s painful to look at sometimes.

    But you become numb as you get older. The games don’t mean as much as they did when I was younger. I still love Nets basketball, but the losses roll off easier. You realize there’s far bigger things in life than basketball. Most emotions in life are fleeting, and we’ll be back in the fall with a clean slate and more to complain about. The cycle continues.

    I see a much brighter future than I did with KD looking very much a bump away from missing the playoffs, a batshit crazy man, and a dude who just really wanted to coast to a title without working hard.

    See yall for Game 4.

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