@New York Knicks

Cavs fans with a chain of logic we can all get behind

Cavs fans with a chain of logic we can all get behind

by pagenotdisplayed


  1. Slymook

    As soon as we went up 2-1 and saw the heat win a game I was all in ECF. As long as the refs don’t screw us if we play the sixers who knows how far we go

  2. We may not have been relevant for most of this Millennium, but we are **now.** That is what matters.

  3. usbatousbc

    Most of their fanbase seems mentally challenged.

  4. Chefalo

    I went to the final regular season game in Cleveland, I was cheering for the Knicks all night, respectfully. There was a family of cavs fans in front of us, at the end of the game the youngest daughter, maybe 12, looked at me and said “we’ll see you in the playoffs” and I guess she was right!

  5. benevenstancian0

    Cleveland, not just the NBA team but the entire CITY, has been relevant for exactly the amount of time that LeBron has chosen to play there.

  6. kuyakew

    lmfao worst fanbase? Cause we’re actually excited about our team and not a bunch of casuals?

  7. Glizzy_Jar

    “the worst fanbase” meanwhile Cavs fans nicknamed their two bigs the “Twin Towers” and after they won game 2, they posted 9/11 memes all over Twitter.

  8. press_Y

    Extend them some grace, they live in Ohio

  9. mattbrianjess

    Believe it or not the people on the chain are the only Cavs fans who realize Lebron doesn’t play for them anymore

  10. okgusto

    They just know spider cuz is more valid than spida

  11. RaoulDuke1

    LFG knicks but ima keep it a buck, I’m a Sox fan and most yankee fans got the same mindset and I know there are plenty in here.

    *27 rings!*

    Ya, 1 in the last 20 years. Nobody cares if you were good or bad years ago, tell me whats goin on now. (In before the sox currently suck)

  12. Training101

    Lol, what a puss. Person is only thinking of the more recent Lebron years. Hey, makes this so much sweeter with these kind of tears! Let’s go KNICKS!

  13. EraEric

    Cavs fans can take solace they lost to the eventual champs.

  14. ElectronicZucchini84

    Love this entirely accurate train of thought and the turmoil the slow realization eventually brought to him.

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