@Philadelphia 76ers

[Reynolds] Tired: Sixers choose Simmons & Tobias Harris over Jimmy Butler; Wired: Sixers traded Ben Simmons for James Harden & Tobias Harris hoopin in the playoffs; INSPIRED: We let Jimmy go knowing he’d take care of Giannis & the Bucks to make our path of achieving our ultimate goal easier

[Reynolds] Tired: Sixers choose Simmons & Tobias Harris over Jimmy Butler; Wired: Sixers traded Ben Simmons for James Harden & Tobias Harris hoopin in the playoffs; INSPIRED: We let Jimmy go knowing he’d take care of Giannis & the Bucks to make our path of achieving our ultimate goal easier

by Pyromania1983


  1. GrunkleVans

    We’re already forgetting how horrible Jimmy played in the playoffs that year?

  2. Emanresu4523

    Jimmy chose to not waste his talent playing for Brett Brown. Clowned him by exposing they’d watch film in complete silence. Clueless.

  3. LouSassle420

    Can I go to the reality where jimmy stays 🙁

  4. IPA_lot_

    I don’t think we’d beat the Heat either honestly.

  5. Patient_Jicama_4217

    Smh Sixers fans are forever the jealous ex

  6. BrettEskin

    Sixers didn’t choose Tobi over Jimmy. Everybody even adjacent to the team other than Jimmy and his agent have said over and over we offered him a max, Jimmy wanted to be the guy on his own team not play second or third fiddle.

  7. Theballharperhit

    we didnt choose tobias… they probably told him that. We chose ben. Ben and brett didnt trust jimmy because he held them accountable and ben and brett couldnt control jimmy per jimmy himself. I said that off season give butler the max/fire brett and trade ben for a haul and got called an idiot and i get it at the time because of ben but HE REFUSED TO FUCKING SHOOT. That should have been the end all be all that should have told people get rid of his ass but 90 percent of this sub was ben stans lol.

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